38. Performing In A Bar

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Songs for this chapter:
Bloodstream - Ed Sheeran
Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran


Noelani's pov
I go back inside and I go to the dining room to eat my dinner. It's nothing exciting, just chips, mash potato and beans. I finish it in ten minutes and I race upstairs so I can take a shower. I get my clothes that I am going to where and everything I need into the bathroom and I jump in when the temperature is just how I like it.

I sing under my breath and imagine myself playing the guitar as well as the piano. I feel so nervous now... I have no idea how many people I am going to be performing in front of but I know it's going to be a bigger crowd than Connor's birthday party... I felt frightened performing in front of them as it is, let alone complete strangers and drunk people that could throw empty glasses at me... I hope that doesn't happen... I hope they will like me and I can stay on.

I get out of the shower and I dry my body quickly, being careful that I don't pull my skin around too much because of the burns. I put on my knickers and bra and I take a deep breath and stand in front of the mirror. I look at my body for the second time and my skin looks terrible. It is all burned up to the bottom of my neck. Some areas aren't burnt and some are healing really well, as others, not so much. My stomach, thighs, arms and hands are the worst. My back is okay but still has a lot of healing to do. I sigh slightly, Connor has only seen my hands, a little of my arms and then half of my legs. I haven't let him see me completely, he is blind to the girl I am now.

I hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"Noelani it's me, Troye... I hope you are almost ready." I hear him say.

I jump out of my burnt skin and quickly get changed. Pulling on my skinny jeans and buttoning up my red and black tartan shirt. I quickly blow dry my hair and style it into a decent quiff... It's so weird having to style it like this but I think it actually looks kind of okay... I do my makeup and then walk out and go up to my room to where Troye is most liking hiding. I go in and I feel arms wrap around me instantly. I look as see his brown hair and I hug him back.

"I am so nervous for you. I couldn't wait any longer." Troye says quickly.

"I am feeling nervous too... I am glad you are here." I say hugging him tight.

"How are you feeling? You have eaten right? Do you know what songs you are performing?... By the way you look amazing." He says taking a breather and looking at me as I am a little stunned.

"You are acting like a worried parent. I have eaten, I feel nervous and I know the songs I am performing. And thank you, you look gorgeous yourself." I say laughing a little.

"Well someone has to play the role of a worried parent." He says laughing nervously.

"You can play the role of the worried best friend." I say smiling shyly.

He smiles back and he grabs my notebooks and puts them in a ruck sack. He rushes round my room and I walk over to him and grab his shoulders.

"Troye chill out, you are freaking me out." I say looking at him worried.

"I'm sorry, I just don't have a good feeling about that Ricky... He just seems so weird and he keeps on staring at you. He keeps on talking about you and asking a hundred questions to me and the other two. And he was going on about what happened ten years ago... I'm glad you left when you did. I just don't have a good feeling about him." Troye says not looking at me

"I'm not the only one... I thought there was something odd with him aswell... I don't have a very good feeling about him either. It feels like he is obsessed with me and I don't like it at all." I say relaxing that I didn't have to be the one to speak up about Ricky first.

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