21. Fixing What Was Broken

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Songs for this chapter:
Made In The USA - Demi Lovato
No Angel - Birdy
Rather Be - Brooklyn Duo


Connor's pov
I nod a little and go inside the care home. They follow me but Mike and mum go into another room. I climb up the stairs and Finn and Caspar are stood by a door. They see me and stiffen up. They look like they are protecting whatever is through the door.

"Mike said I can go up and see Noelani... I guess this is the door to her room... I promise I won't hurt her, it's not my intention. I just want to apologise or at least give her these." I say holding up the bag a little.

"If I hear any screaming, I will drag you down those stairs by your neck. You will never set foot on these grounds and you will never, think about Noelani again. You got me?" Caspar asks, walking closer to me.

"Yes." I say a little scared.

They move out of the way and open the door. I thank them and walk up. The door closes and I knock on the bedroom door. I can hear muffled crying but no answer. I open the door and my eyes widen as Noelani's room is gorgeous... But that's not why I am here. I look over at the bed and I see the smallest girl... She is curled into herself and the skin I can see is either bruised or cut.

"Noelani?" I ask quietly.

I see her jump and she runs to the corner of the room, crying and shaking like a leaf. She has fear in her eyes and the clothes on her body look way too big.

"Please don't hurt me..." She cries.

My heart breaks a little and I step around her bed. Her eyes are on my feet and I see her pushing herself into the corner more.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." I say as I notice that her hair is covering one side of her face but the skin that is hiding looks like a deep shade of blue or purple.

"What do you want? Are you going to hurt me? Are you spying on me for the others? Are you really a part of them? Did you really trick me like that?" She asks with a shaky, unsupportive voice.

"I wanted to apologise.. I didn't mean to go with them, I wanted to sit next to you in maths but they pulled me to sit with them. I know I should have said no but they didn't seem so bad until they forced me to throw things at you and they followed you out the class. I don't want to be part of them, I want to be with you, I want to be your friend. I didn't mean to... I swear." I say as tears slide down my cheeks.

"But you didn't try and stop them... You didn't come and find me. Why were you upstairs anyway? It was hometime... They had my journal... They hurt me so badly... I was crying for you... I wanted you to get me out... But you never came.. They tortured me... The locked me in the dark... They know my fears..." She cries, everything leaving leaving her lips is slightly stuttered too.

"I was upstairs because I was looking for the art room. But before science I could hear crying but I was pulled into the room... I would have came if I could hear you... I am so sorry that this happened to you. If I could have changed it to me I would have... If I knew what room you were in I would have went straight there, I would have gotten you out and saved you... I am so sorry.." I sob.

"Exactly, you were looking for a classroom, you wasn't looking for me. I would still be in that freezing cold room... I would be dead... I am thankful you got me out, I am... But most of me wishes you didn't... Because I could be dead... I could be out of pain... I could be with my parents again... I wouldn't have to be transferred to another care home... But a part of me feels sorry for the both of us... Our friendship... Or what is left of it... When we go back to school and they go to the room and see I'm not there... They are going to stop at nothing to make sure I am killed or seriously injured... They are going to hurt you when they find out that it was you that gotten me out... You were saving me and yet still putting the both of us in danger." She cries.

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