60. True Family Never Leaves You

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Connor's pov
They walk in and the joy and fun in Noelani's eyes has completely disappeared. The memory of what happened returning to her and fear taking over her. I hold her hand and we sit on the bed that is made and the police sit on the chairs.

"So, please can you tell us your side of the story Noelani." One of the officers says.

"So we went to my parents and sister's grave stones and I stayed as Connor and the other's looked round. But before I left to go and find the boys and Jackie I was taking some photo's of the stone so I can have a memory of them and I heard people shouting at me. They had a go at me and I apologised and walked away, upset that I was shouted at for taking photo's of my families graves and they ask if I am Noelani. I say yes and they tell me they are my family and they have missed me as they haven't seen me for ten years and we haven't had any contact...

"They invited us all to dinner and to go back to my old home before I was sent off to a care home in a different state. We agreed and before they arrived I was in the restaurants toilets sorting out my makeup and when I returned my Grandad had a go at me. He kicked me under the table twice and I have bruises to show for it... Then we had dinner and they were all making rude comments about me to each other and my Uncle was saying things to me about one of my care workers that passed away with cancer last month.

"Then I was shoved out the restaurant by my grandad and we went back to the house. I went upstairs by myself and when I was in my room my grandad came in and started saying horrible things. Asking why I survived and why the others didn't... Telling me I should be the one dead... I said sorry as I was crying and he threw a knife... If I didn't move it would have got me but it got the wardrobe instead...

"He left without saying anything else and then my auntie came in... She said some really abusive things to me and she hit me a few times, grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to a canvas photo of me and my family. She started to stab me in the photo with scissors and she was shouting that I should be the one dead, the other's should be alive and I should have stayed trapped in the car and it should have exploded when I was trapped inside... She said more horrible things but... She pushed me down onto the ground and she started kicking me and I managed to pull myself up and get down the stairs before she could hurt me again...

"I screamed for the boys to run and they did but my uncles we're going to grab them. One of them grabbed Troye but Tyler pulled him away. I almost passed out but Connor caught me and he ran me out the house and into the Uber..." Noelani says, breaking down half way through but somehow also keeping herself together.

"Oh my god... It's Noelani Bungay, she's the six year old girl that survived the car crash ten years ago..." One of the police officers say, shocked.

"Noelani... Your 'family', your aunties and uncles, that lot... Ever since your parents and sister died they have been angry and seeking for revenge... They have been trying to hunt you down... Your grandad and uncles... They have been arrested many times and your aunties have been trying to send death threats to you. You have to get out of here as soon as you can. Michigan isn't safe for you. You have to get out of here." The other police officer says.

Horror fills Noelanis eyes and mine. Her family have been trying to find Noelani, to kill her? They want to seek revenge as they think it's Noelani's fault for the car crash.

"They want... They... Hurt me..." Noelani panics.

Her breathing goes terribly bad and panic and anxiety floods her.

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