15. Seeing The Other Kids

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Noelani's pov
Me and Mike walk down the stairs. I hear the others laughing and Mike enters the play room first. He sits next to Toby and looks at me. I walk in nervously and they all look up at me. I gulp slightly and walk over to one of the sofas. Jack budges up as much as he can, making room for me next to Zoe and him.

I smile weakly and sit in the small space made for me. I stare at the tv screen and they are watching Toy Story. Me and my dad watched this together at the cinema. I smile slightly at the memory but that doesn't stop the tears in my eyes. I cuddle into Jack. First he freezes up slightly and soon he wraps his arm around me and hugs me into him.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you Jack." I whisper to him.

"Don't worry. I didn't take it to heart. Everything will be okay soon." He says hugging me.

"I hope so." I say silently.

I hug him tight and we all cuddle together and watch the film. Zoe holds my hand carefully. I guess this isn't too bad. I just don't feel like I fit in with these people. I am the youngest here and the second youngest are boys. The other girls are all nearly ten or they are teenagers. I'm just a lonely six year old that doesn't have any friends or a proper family.

The others still have parents. But something has happened that has put them in care. It's mostly alcoholism or abuse. Some of the parents just couldn't handle having a child at a rough patch of time. But the other kids can still see their parents. Their parents are getting better. They get to see their parents once every month if they want to. I don't get to see my parents at all because I don't have any. None of my other family members visit me. They haven't even called or written me a letter. The others always get letters in the post or small packages of treats and things from home. I just sit there with a fake smile while they show it off to me. The care workers feel bad for me but I guess it is something I'm just going to have to get use to.

I can tell the others are trying to take an interest in me though. They will offer me their sweets that were sent to them. I say no because it's not mine, they weren't meant for me. I don't feel right eating other people's food. Or to be honest, food doesn't even taste the same to me anymore. It hasn't tasted normal to me ever since I started getting bullied. I just hope the bullying stops soon... I hope Mike is able to fix it. But in my stomach I can tell it will only make things worse. I can see a huge majority of my school life being bullied. All the way through primary school at least. Mostly because I'm a care kid though and I'm smart for my age.

"... Noelani?" Jack asks silently.

I look up at him tiredly and smile weakly.

"The others have gone to bed. I have been trying to get your attention for ages. You've just been staring at the screen." He says moving a little.

"Sorry, I was distracted. Did I miss anything?" I ask him worried.

"No, you have just been staring at the screen for the past two films." He says now with concern.

"Oh, sorry." I say looking down.

"Don't be. It's bed time now." He says standing up.

I nod and stand up to. I walk out of the play room and climb up the stairs. I go up to my bedroom but I don't feel tired. I sit in my bed and reach over for a book. I grab one and start reading it, not even looking at what book it is. I soon realise that it is the first Harry Potter book. I nestle into my pillows and I start to get into the book. I read it word by word and take in every piece of description, speech, everything. I fall in love with this fantasy world.

I wish I could be part of it. At least with the bullies I could scare them with Harry, Ron and Hermione. And the teachers all seem nice apart from Snape and I'm not sure about Professor Quirrell. He seems a bit two faced...

The next morning, before school, I tell Jack all about the book I'm reading and he listens intently. I read more than half the book last night and I only stopped because I fell asleep. I really hope they turn the books into movies... I would absolutely love that...

School went the same way. I got bullied and picked on. I hide at playtime and I keep my head down in lessons and do all the work set. I get scrunched up balls of paper thrown at me and called mean names. I try my best to ignore them but it gets hard. The teachers start picking on me too, whispering things about me along with the other kids. Laughing everytime I walk past.

Mike talked to Mr McCready at the beginning of school and I ended up being shouted at by Mr McCready in first lesson. He told me to 'grow up' and to 'get over myself'. This is why I hate this school and I hate that man. This bullying will never stop. It's getting worse. I just have to fight through it for the next six year until I am old enough to go to another school and hopefully, I can escape most of the people from this school. At least with High School it's bigger which means there are more places that I can escape to. Hopefully I will find a friend... I doubt I will but it would be nice...


Hey guys!

I hope you enjoyed these past three chapters! I have uploaded the past six or seven in bunches because they are just chapters to kind of tell you what happens to Noelani when her life has been changed and what her school life is like... I guess it is a really long prologue?

If you enjoyed these past three chapters then please vote for them and leave me a comment telling me what you think of them! It means a lot to me.

Thank you so much!

Bye! xx

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