39. Not So Different

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Song for this chapter:
Beyoncé - Superfruit


Noelani's pov
I wake up the next morning, back against Connor's chest and his arm lazily wrapped around my waist. I stretch a little tiny bit and turn so I am facing him. I kiss him gently and he stirs in his sleep.

"Connor it's time to wake up." I say softly.

"Five more minutes." He grumbles as he hides his face in the pillow.

I roll my eyes and climb out of bed.

"Promise you'll keep your eyes closed." I say looking back at him.

He hums into the pillow and I sigh and shakily get out of my onesie, leaving me in just a bra and my knickers. I grab my black tights and carefully pull them on, not wanting to pull on my burns or creates holes and ladders in the material. I grab my skirt and hop into it and do up the clasps. I reach for my shirts but another hand grabs it before I could. I jump and turn and see Connor. The first thing I do is try my best to cover my burned body, but I made the mistakes of using my child sized hands. Connor's man like hands take mine and remove them from a few scarred inches of my body.

"Connor, don't..." I say feeling uncomfortable with him seeing my body.

His lips press against my shoulder so gently, I close my eyes as air slowly gets knocked out of my lungs as he leaves gentle kisses on my burns. I move my hands to his waist as grip them as I feel dizzy all of a sudden. The more he avoids kissing my lips, the more I want him to. I hold his chin and pull him up to meet my lips. They move slowly in sync. I feel him gently pull my arms through the arms of my shirt. He pulls the material over my shoulders and I feel him slowly working on the buttons, buttoning them up as he helps me get changed but I concentrate on the kissing until he pulls his lips away.

"Don't ever hide your body from me, I think you are beautiful. You are beautiful." He says looking me in the yes.

I nod a little as I am more encaptured in his green eyes than anything else. He kisses me quickly and then pulls away so he can get changed into his uniform. I put on my tie quickly as I am freed from my trance of Connor's eyes. I style my hair into a quiff and do my natural makeup. I look back at Connor and my cheeks flush red when I see his lightly toned stomach muscles.

"Noelani, could you do my tie?" He asks me when he finishes buttoning up my shirt.

I nod weakly and grab his tie and do it for him. His hands rest on my hips and I turn weak in his hold. He kisses me gently and I smile against his lips as I kiss him back. He pulls away as his stomach rumbles. I giggle slightly and we both grab our school bags and blazers and go downstairs. I make us both coffee and Connor investigates our cereal and pours himself a bowl as I grab an apple. We fill ourselves up and race to the bathroom. I have a spare toothbrush for him and we both brush our teeth. He presses his minty lips against mine and I giggle and we both spit out our toothpaste. I have no idea why we are being so lovey today, but I am loving it.

I wipe his face with my warm flannel and when I pull the flannel away he is pulling a grumpy face but soon turns into a smirk before he presses his lips back to mine. When he pulls away he has toothpaste back on his face. I turn warm and I clean my face, realising I still had toothpaste around my lips. I grab Connor's chin before he can kiss me with his minty, foamy lips and I wipe the paste away.

"Noelani!" He groans.

I giggle and leave him to style his hair. I wait near the door and there's a knock. I answer and see my two favourite people. I let them both in and Troye hugs me tight.

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