44. Too Much Information

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Songs for this chapter:
Close - Atu
Undiscovered - Laura Welsh


Noelani's pov
"It sucks that you have to work on a Saturday night, can't you miss it?" Connor asks me as he sits on my bed.

"I know but I need to. I'll hopefully see you after though." I say as I finish my makeup.

"But it's too long... What am I suppose to do until you text me?" He whines.

"I don't know, meet up with Troyler?" I suggest.

"I might go to the gym instead." Connor says, staring at my ass.

I roll my eyes as I look at him through the mirror. I turn around and walk over to him.

"I'll be texting you before you know it. Now come on, I have to go." I say pulling him off my bed.

He groan and hugs me, stopping me from walking let alone moving.

"Connie!" I squeal as he lifts me off of my feet.

"I don't want you to go, it's a Saturday." He complains to me for the millionth time.

"We have all of tomorrow together." I say looking up at him.

"No we don't, you are doing a gig at my Uncle's bar and then you are going to do a Starbucks shift and then you are going back the restaurant." He says listing of my jobs.

"I will make some time for you too, I promise. You have to trust me, I will try my best." I say knowing that it upsets him.

"Promise?" He asks, his green eyes peering into mine.

I kiss him gently but reluctantly.

"I promise." I say smiling afterwards.

He nods and we walk to the restaurant.

"Connie why don't you get a job? So instead from waiting for me you can be doing something and earning money so when we are together we can have fun and go to places." I say as we walk.

"I don't know where I could work." He says as an excuse.

"There are hundreds of places where you can work. You just need to pop in. Do it now, after you drop me off go and look round. Someone will want you, I promise." I say as we are close to the restaurant.

"Okay." He sighs.

I lean up and kiss him goodbye. He kisses me back and I pull away slowly. I whisper a bye and walk into the restaurant. I put my apron on and tell Jamie I am here. I grab my notepad and start working instantly.

I start to do the washing up and Ryan comes in. I stay silent and wash the dishes and cutlery. He puts his apron on and he goes back out and starts waitering as I continue washing dishes. He comes back and helps me with the drying up.

"You have been avoiding my question everytime I ask you it. Why?" He asks me.

"You wouldn't understand." I say silently.

"Don't you like your parents?" He asks me.

"Ryan I am at work, I am not talking to you about my personal life." I say grabbing a tray and walking away.

He grabs my arm and stops me. He stands in front of the door guarding it so I can't leave.

"Ryan, let me out." I say, warning him.

"Not until you answer my question." He says firmly.

"I don't have parents! They are dead okay?!" I scream.

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