30. What Is This Feeling?

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Songs for this chapter:
You're Always Loved - Golden
I'm A Mess - Ed Sheeran
Photograph - Ed Sheeran


Connor's pov
I wake up and I look next to me and see it's empty. I sit up slightly and I hear the toilet flush and the door opens quietly. Noelani comes in and she jumps a little when she see's me awake.

"Did I wake you up?" She asks me, worried.

"No." I answer her softly.

"I'm sorry for last night, I didn't mean to upset you. But next time, please tell me if I do something wrong. I don't like it when people close me out." She says looking upset.

"What? You didn't upset me." I say confused.

"I did. You said you were going to get a drink but you took ages, and I then heard you laughing in the other room. I upset you." She explains.

"No, I got a drink but Tyler and Troye asked me to watch a video but the three of us got captured into them and I forgot that I was meant to be sleeping. But the both of them had gotten tired and I left and came in here. You were fast asleep and you were... Dreaming." I explain to her.

"Oh, I thought I upset you because you left so quickly and closed the door." She says looking at her feet.

"Don't be silly, come here." I say holding out my hand.

She reaches out shyly and takes my hand. I pull her closer and she smiles a little. I sit her on my lap and brush her hair out of her eyes. Her hair has gone curly, but I swear to god she hasn't curled it... Is her hair naturally curly?

"How did you sleep?" I ask her.

"Okay I guess. You?" She asks me nervously.

"I slept fine. I had my little cuddle buddy so I was okay." I say smirking.

Her cheeks turn pink and I hear a shy giggle escape her throat. I look at her and she is so beautiful. I can't help but smile when I look at her. She is staring at her free hand and she looks up at me and I see so many beautiful things in her eyes. Her eyes have a dark blue ring on the outside then it goes into green and then the area around her pupil is a mix of light blue and brown. I fall in love with them even more and she looks down again and her cheeks are still pink.

"You're mum said that we are having waffles for breakfast. And that we are still snowed in. It has snowed more over night. It looks like me and the other two are staying here for a little while." She says quietly.

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask her a little worried.

"I don't know..." My stomach drops at that. "It depends on if I can cope with how annoying you are."

I look at her and she is smiling and laughing a little. I laugh too and shake my head at her.

"You are so... Eurgh." I say rolling my eyes.

She giggles and her hand rests on my cheeks. Her laughter fades a little and her smile stays but it becomes a little smaller. I feel her fingers resting on my face and I look into her eyes which are concentrating on my face. The crease above her nose appears and her hand drops.

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

"It's okay." I say smiling.

"You smile so much. It makes me feel weird." She says looking at me smiling.

"I can't help but smile when I am with you." I confess to her.

She looks up at me a little confused.

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