32. Roaring Fire

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Songs for this chapter:
Fire Meet Gasoline - Sia
Breathe Me - Sia


Noelani's pov
Sam hangs up and I end the call. I look in the mirror and pull myself together. I have to leave quickly. I look at the window and I'll be able to fit through it. I get some toilet paper and an eye pencil.

'I'm sorry, I had to leave. I love you. ~Noelani x'

I write on it and leave it by the sink. I push open the window, breaking the ice that had surrounded the frame. The cold air blows against my face and I shiver as my skin burns a little. I look down and I see a way down. I climb out the window and I start shaking at the fact I am so high up. I tell myself that Mike is in danger. I close the window and I hang onto the windowsill. I feel a pipe under my feet and I feel it against my chest.

I slowly let go of the windowsill and reach down for the pipe. I grip onto it and tears leave my eyes. I take a deep breath and slowly hang down from that pipe. My body is resting against another one. I feel it. I slowly move my hands and hold onto it and my feet hold me up onto it. I slide down the pipe and my bare feet touch the fresh snow.

I look at the house and the snow is really thick, it's covering half the window. I trudge through it and hug myself, the snow slowly grows thinner but it is still thick. It goes up to my knees if I was on the actual ground. I walk through it and I feel freezing cold. Snow gets caught in my hair and my skin turns blue within minutes. I make my way to the hospital in just a sweater, I no longer have the socks on so I feel freezing.

I make it to the hospital and I spot Sam instantly. He spots me and he walks over. He grabs my arm and I yelp a little and he drags me somewhere. He puts something over my head and I cry a little as panic fills my stomach.

'You are doing this for Mike. You'll be okay. Noelani you'll be okay.. Stay strong.' I say in my head.

I hear a door open and I get shoved inside. I fall and I hear the door slam. I start shaking more because of fear, not just the cold. I feel his hands grab my ankles and he pulls me somewhere, making me yelp as my calves are getting scrapped across the ground. I then feel him sit me against something and he grabs my hands and ties them against something.

I try to move but I am too cold and I can't move, I've grown numb because of the cold. The cover gets pulled off of my head and I am in a shed or something. Sam is lingering over tools and he picks up scissors he comes back over to be and I am tied up to metal pipes. He holds the scissors against my thighs and I freeze up and tell myself I'll be okay. He cuts into the sweater and he then tears it off me. I am too cold to try and cover myself with my legs. I look at him and he walks back over to the tools. Tears slowly fill my eyes as I realise that all along this was a trap... Mike was never in any danger of Sam, I am.

"Ever since I found out you were raped I have always wanted to have my pleasure. But no other girl is willing to give it to me. Then I figured, 'hey, I know someone that is pathetic enough, weak enough, stupid enough for me to have a go.' You came to mind. And I am going to have my fun. But I don't want to hear you yelling. So I have to tie you up and gag you. It's so sickening that a guy your age has to do this to you. But I wouldn't have to if another girl wanted to have it too. So just let me have my fun and forget this has ever happened." He says as he shoves cloth into my mouth and wraps duct tape around my mouth to stop me from spitting it out.

I feel a blade against my hip and I feel him move and the ripping of material. I whimper and start to panic even more. He looks at me and I look away from him as tears roll down my cheeks.

"You look so pathetic. I can't believe I have to fulfill my need with you... But I can't help it... Every other girl won't and you are dumb, weak enough to let me... I guess Toby wasn't the only guy you get. But I never touched you okay? If you say I did I will come and find you. I will kill you. Do you understand?" He asks me with anger in his voice.

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