45. Mike

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Songs for this chapter:
Make It To Me - Sam Smith
Let It Go - James Bay
Breathe Me - Sia


Noelani's pov
It's the beginning of December and Mike is suffering badly. He is no longer at the care home, he has been moved to the hospital. I haven't been coping well at all. Everytime the care home phone rings I jump in fear it's about Mike, or anytime my phone makes a noise, fear takes over me. Mike is weaker than ever but the doctor's say that there is still hope for him. He is constantly throwing up and he has to be fed through a tube. He can't even move, he is bed bound. But somehow there is a chance for him out there.

I haven't been sleeping well, to e ho edit I haven't been sleeping. My anxiety is so bad, I have my phone in my hand all the time and I have barely been talking. Connor, Troye and Tyler have been struggling with me. I don't go out apart from work or school. I stay silent in every lesson and at breaks and lunch I don't go to the drama studio like the others. I hide... Clutching my phone and praying. I haven't self harmed though, that's the only thing I haven't done. I have mocks starting a week before the Christmas holidays and I can tell I am going to fail them. The past few months have been hell for everyone. But Mike is going through it the most.

When I am not working or not at school, I am sat by his bedside at the hospital. Holding has hand and talking to him even though I don't get an answer because he is too weak to form words. It hurts me... So much. None of the other kids at the care home come to see him. Scarlett and Maggie barely do. It's just me. Staying by his side as he struggles to keep breathing.

But after three whole months of hard work and dedication, not having any time for myself, I have finally got enough money for treatment for Mike. It has taken so much effort to get all the money but I have got it all and with the chance to save Mike within my reach. I am going to the hospital now. With the money in my rucksack and the hope of saving Mike's life. I see his nurse, Julie- Anne. She smiles when she see's me.

"Julie- Anne I have the money! I have raised it all! Please let him have treatment!" I say desperately.

"Do you really have all that money?" She asks me, shocked.

I nod and show her my rucksack which is full of money. She grabs my hand and she runs me to the operation/ treatment office.

"This girl has raised the money to save Mike's life! When can he go in for the treatment?" She asks the manager.

"Julie- Anne you know he..." The manager begins.

"You told me yesterday there is still a chance! This young girl has been working her ass off to save her care worker and we are going to make her efforts worth it! He is going in to have chemo and radiation therapy! We are going to save this mans life." Julie- Anne says firmly.

"Please sir..." I say desperately and partially out of breath

"Fine... He will start his treatment tomorrow." The manager sighs.

"Thank you." I say, glad that he wasn't going to be an asshole.

I give him the money and another nurse comes in and signs a bunch of papers and the money is taken. I go in and see Mike. My heart aching when I see him. I sit by his side and instantly hold his hand so he knows I am here.

"Hey Mike... I have raised all of the money so you can have treatment... I have done it. You just have to stay strong through your therapy okay? You are going to get better and soon you will win your battle and you can tell everyone how incredible it was to win... You are going to beat this." I say to him.

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