8. Playtime, Ouchie.

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Noelani's pov

I wake up and my pillow is wet because I was crying earlier. My curtains have been drawn closed and my suitcase has been brought up. The uniform I chucked on the floor has been folded up and sat on a chair. I crawl over to the window sill and see my teddy there, I must of left him there when I was looking out the window. I hug him tight and I realise that I'm in my onesie. I don't remember getting changed... Oh well.

I open my bedroom door and a small light illuminates the stairs I have to walk down. The door has been left open so I walk down still holding my teddy. The upstairs hallway is dark and the doors are closed. Are the others sleeping? I walk downstairs and decide that I'll explore. I know where the front door is but I don't know where anything else is. I turn left and I see a playroom. I walk past it slowly and go down three steps. I can either go left or right. I decide to go left and it leads me to the dining room and the kitchen that are joint together.

I walk back to the playroom and decide I'll turn right instead from left. It leads to a back door so I guess that's to go in the garden. I walk back to the stairs and go right. I walk forwards and there is a door to an office. I don't want to go in there. At the bottom of the last door, is a flashing light. I open the door and it's a tv. I look round and it's a living room. I see a computer and two huge sofas. I walk over to one of them and I see Toby sat on one of them watching the tv. He looks over at me and a small smile spreads across his face.

"Hi sweetie, you should be tucked up in bed." He says sitting up a little bit.

"I couldn't sleep. I have been exploring too." I say holding onto Mr Teddy a little tighter.

"Oh you have, have you?" He asks.

"Yes. This house is huge." I say quietly.

"Yes it is. Do you want me to walk you back upstairs?" He asks standing up.

"No. I'm not tired." I say looking down a little.

"Do you want to be naughty and watch some SpongeBob with me?" He asks with a smile on his face.

I nod a little and he moves up. I sit on the couch with my feet dangling off the edge. I hold my teddy's hand and Toby changes the channel onto SpongeBob. I watch the cartoon and giggle when Patrick comes on. Toby laughs too but otherwise we stay silent as we watch the show.

After a few episodes I start to grow tired again. I begin nodding off and my head rests on Mr Teddy. Toby turns the tv off and lifts me up into his arms. He holds my teddy too and he walks up the stairs, carrying me as I fall asleep on his shoulder. He walks up the flight of stairs that lead to my room and he gently lays me down in my bed. He pulls the duvet cover over me and kisses my head.

"Night darling." He says quietly.

He closes my bedroom door and I fall asleep cuddling my teddy bear...

I wake up the next morning still cuddled up to my teddy. The sun shines underneath my curtains, dimly lighting up my room. I hear a lot of movement and talking downstairs. I put on my slippers and grab my teddy and walk down the stairs until I am n the first floor. All the other children are in uniforms and rushing round. I sit on the bottom step and watch everybody rush round. Some of them run up the stairs and come down with rucksacks. A lot of them are wearing a smart uniform and some of the others are wearing children uniform, similar to what I will have to wear.

Scarlett, one of the other care workers, walks over to me.

"Morning sweetie. You are up early." She says crouching opposite me.

"Everybody woke me up." I say quietly.

Toby walks over and holds out his arms. I jump off the step that I am on and run into his arms.

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