7. Arriving At The Care Home

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Noelani's pov

"Noelani wake up, we are nearly at the care home." I hear Maggie say.

I open my eyes and look around. We are on land and in a car. I rub my eyes to help me wake up and look out the car window. I can feel the panic of me being in a car rise in my chest, slowly growing tighter.

"I'm sorry I didn't wake you up, you were fast asleep so I didn't want to disturb you." Toby says once I am fully awake.

"That's okay." I say still looking at the window.

This is my first intake of Minnesota since I have left Michigan. There are loads of trees and not very many buildings where we are at the moment, I think we are in some kind of country side. It looks nice, peaceful, calming.

"The care home is another twenty minutes away and your new school is a ten to fifteen minute walk from the home. It's a small school but we think you will like it and fit in. The problem is, is that there wasn't any room in the other school that the other children go to, so you will be on your own. But you are only there for a few hours so it's not that bad." Maggie says.

I look at her, shaking slightly. I have to go to a new school on my own? I will be alone and I won't know anybody there. I will be at the school for six to seven hours a day and being the 'new kid'.

"O- okay." I say scared.

"You'll be okay. I know you will be." Toby says with one of his reassuring smiles.

I look back out the window and we are driving down some streets. I see children outside their houses playing games or talking. It looks like fun, maybe I can be their friends. We then drive past some teenagers kissing and I cringe at the sight.

"That's yucky." I say quietly.

Toby laughs as he must have heard my comment.

"You'll be doing that when you're older." He says, still laughing.

"Ew, no thank you." I say looking at him.

He laughs at me slightly.

"She won't be kissing any boys until she is old enough. Toby she is only six. Don't scare her with the big kid stuff." Maggie says as she looks back at me and Toby.

"I'm not scared! It just looks yucky! Boys are gross!" I say slightly offended that she thinks I'm scared.

"You won't be saying that when you're a teenager." Toby giggles.

"Yes I will." I say looking back out the window.

We are slowing down and pulling outside a huge house. It looks like a small sized mansion, it has ivy growing up the walls and there's a light blue door. It has a biggish front garden with a patch of grass. Gravel surrounds the drive way up to the house and around the grass. There are two trees in the middle of the grass and flowers around their trunks. It looks really pretty. The house itself looks quite old though, it has two floors by the look of it and there is then one window to make a third floor. It looks like a castle in my mind, and the top window is where the princess lives.

"That window right at the top will be your room." Maggie tells me.

I smile as I get to be the princess that lives in the tower of the castle. But maybe I'll be a trapped princess... At least I get a nice view, hopefully. The car stops completely and Maggie gets out of the car first.

"Are you ready?" Toby asks me.

"I think so. I'm scared though." I say as the nerves hit me right in the stomach.

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