64. Back To How It Was

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Songs for this chapter:
Secret - Angel Snow
Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus


Tyler's pov
Today is the start of exams and I haven't seen Noelani properly since the day the video was put up and went viral and ever since her care workers had a go at her. I sometimes have bad dreams about her. All of them ending in a similar way of me or Troye finding her cold, on the floor, not breathing. I see her in lessons but no- one sits next to her and no- one communicates to her apart from calling her a slut or some other horrible name or insult. After lessons she is out of the classroom straight away, goes into a hiding spot that is so good that none of us can find her, not even the bullies.

When they have found her or caught her in the right time, all you can hear are her screams of pain and begging for them to stop or to end her. They hurt her, hit her, slam her into walls and lockers. It's just like how it had always been since before Connor joined the school.

I have tried to get him to stop, telling him that there is no point in making her suffer any more than she already is. She has suffered enough with most of her life, she doesn't need anything more. He just walks away laughing.

Noelani looks so ill, so tired and in her worst state of depression. Ever since the viral video she has been closing herself up, signed out of the little social media she was on, doesn't have a phone. Me and Troye have tried letters but Joe says she hasn't read them. She has them stacked on her desk untouched apparently.

The other kids in the care home have tried to talk to her, help her, but Scarlett and Maggie won't let them. Noelani won't let them. Caspar told me that Noelani has been starving herself and also no- one is making her meals to eat, not even by force. She is being starved and starving herself. The care home is basically just a place she gets washed and can sleep. But I don't even think she does sleep unless if she passes out.

The first exam we all have is English, then it's drama. Me and Troye walk to the exam hall. We turn our phones off and keep them in our bags and put our bags to the wall. We look round for our papers in silence and Noelani is sat in the front. No- one is sat next to her, it's literally a singled out desk she is sat on. Everyone else finds their seats and we get told about the rules and the amount of time we have which is an hour and a half. We get told to start and I take my pen and write.

Ever since the video turned to a global scale, school has been singling Noelani out badly. In lessons she has to sit on her own, teachers always make rude remarks to her or if there is something to do with prostitution they glare at Noelani even though she has nothing to do with that bullshit. They really are horrible to her.

Mr McCarthy is still letting her perform for graduation but he is also thinking of cancelling her exam, meaning when she goes to England, she will have to work even harder. I can tell she is trying her best in this exam. Her hands are shaking and I can see anxiety written all over her.

The piece we are doing is creative writing. We have to make an advertisement for any thing we want. I do mine for a Gaga album because I can't think of anything else to advertise. Plus the exam board should buy the album as they sound like a bunch of losers. Troye is probably doing his for a show, Noelani I can imagine for a camera or a book. Connor's is probably about something sporty like a football or some shit like that.

I write everything I can, filling up a double page like what is asked. We get told to put our pens down so I do, just like everyone else. The examiners take in our papers, all of us staying silent until someone coughs 'slut'. Even in exams they are throwing abuse to her. If I would be allowed to talk or leave my seat I would have probably knocked out the fucker who said it.

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