3. Waking Up

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Song for this chapter:
Don't Be Afraid - Green River Ordinance


Noelani's pov

I wake up to a constant beeping sound and pain in my stomach and arm. I look down at myself and see tubes coming from my arm and stomach.

I follow the tubes and they are connected to the machine that is beeping. A little wriggley green line is going across a black screen. It looks weird. A bit like a green pixelated snake. I pull my eyes away from it as it is quite distracting but irritating.

I am wearing a blue and white gown and I feel slightly cold even with the covers over me. I look to my other side and there is nobody there apart from an empty chair and some flowers on the bedside table. But the flowers look like they only have a few hours left in them.

I can barely remember what had happened to me, why I am in a hospital bed.

All I can remember was me asking my dad to turn up the volume in the car, a horrible bang and screams after, then being in an ambulance.

Then I was in a cubicle and there was a lot of blood and I passed out.

But where are my parents and my sister? Why aren't they sat next to me waiting for me to wake up? That's what happens in movies. They wake up and they have a loved one next to them, waiting for them to be awake as they hold their hand. Instead my hand is empty from another and nobody cares if I'm awake or not.

There is a knock on the door and a doctor comes in.

"Hello hun, it is nice for you to finally come back to us." He says sitting next to me. "Do you remember what happened?" He asks.

I tell him the things I remember, recapping my recent thoughts but out loud this time.

"Well it's good that you remember most of the key things. Can you rate the pain you are in? 1 you feel fine and 10 being in a lot of pain."

"Six." I say shyly.

"Okay sweet." He says writing everything down. "Do you mind if I check your stomach quickly?"

I shake my head and he lifts up the covers and quickly looks. He writes down something.

"Where are my parents and sister?" I ask him.

His face drops as soon as I added the question mark to my sentence.

"I'm not the one that should tell you that." He says quietly.

"Are they okay?" I ask shaking in fear.

"I can't tell you hun." He walks out of my room leaving me on my own.

I start to cry as I want my family here with me. Why wasn't he going to tell me where they are? I need them here! I need them next to me!

My stomach starts to hurt because I'm crying so I try to stop. I take deep breaths and try to calm myself down on my own. It's hard but after effort I manage to keep my tears from falling for now. A nurse comes in and I recognise her as she sits next to me.

"Hello sweet, how are you feeling?" She takes my hand but I pull my hand away.

"My stomach and arm hurts, but where is my family? The doctor that was in here before wouldn't tell me when I asked." I say looking at her.

"I'm not the one to tell you either. In an hour a woman or a man will be coming in to talk to you. But you have been in a coma for five days." She says.

"What's a coma?" I ask not knowing what it is.

It sounds scary.

"It's basically a really deep sleep but you can't be woken up by others. You wake up on your own."

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