22. Painful Pressure

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Song for this chapter:
Afraid - The Neighbourhood


Noelani's pov
I wake up and I grab my sick bucket and throw up into it. My face really hurts and I have a horrible pressure in my head. My entire body is throbbing and I feel like I have no energy what so ever.

"Mi-ke..." I croak.

He can't hear me because my voice is really weak and he is on the second floor fast asleep. My stomach starts to cramp up really badly and I yelp in pain. I grab my phone and unlock it as my body starts shaking violently. I scroll down and find Mike and I call it but I don't get any answer. I try again and I still get nothing. The pains grow and I scream into my phone. I know who I am going to call is stupid but it's my only hope. I scroll to his name and call him. He answers after a few rings and his voice sounds husky.

"Hello?" He asks tiredly.

"Connor... Please help me... Mike isn't answering... The phone..." I yelp in pain again and I hear movement on Connor's side. "Please... Help me... It hurts so bad..." I cry.

"I am coming. Is the door open?" He asks me.

"I don't... Think so." I squeal in pain.

"I need you to open it for me. I am on my way." I hear a door closing on his side.

"Okay... Connor... Please h-hurry..." I say falling out of bed.

I hear him running and I pull myself to my door and open it. I sit on my bum and go down the stairs. Pain riles up in my head and I keel over and fall down three steps and into the bottom door which was slightly open.

"Noelani?!" I hear Connor panic through the phone.

"I f-fell... I am so weak." I cry and I try and stand up.

"You're not weak, you are strong. Tell yourself that. I am almost there." He says.

I sit on my bum down the other stairs and I hold my stomach as I shuffle down them. I pull myself to stand up and my legs are shaking violently underneath me. I use the walls to support me to the front door and I hear his footsteps. I unlock it with shaky hands and he pushes it open a little and see's me. I scream as the pain in my head grows ten times worse than it was before. My legs give up underneath me and Connor grabs me before I can fall.

"M-Mike..." I cry into Connor's side.

"Mike!" Connor shouts. "Mike it's Noelani!"

I hear doors swing open and I slowly slide down Connor. He holds me tight and I feel dizzy. Connor kneels down and pulls me into him and holds me tight.

"Hurry! Stay strong Noelani. We will get you to a hospital." He stays pulling me closer to him.

"It hurts... Please come w-with me?" I ask him in tears.

He nods a little and rests his face in my hair. I notice he only has pj bottoms on and not a t-shirt. He feels so warm though. I feel freezing so I cuddle into him for his warmth. Mike, Jack, Zoe, Naomi and Caspar come bounding down the stairs and they see me and Connor.

"Connor what are you doing here?" Mike asks rushing over.

"Noelani called me saying she was in pain and she needed me to come over. She tried to call you first but you didn't answer so I think she panicked and called me. She is freezing cold and in a lot of pain. I think she needs to go to hospital but she has asked me to go with her." Connor explains quickly.

"Noelani where does it hurt?" Mike asks crouching next to me and Connor.

"Everywhere... But m-mostly my h-head and stom-ach." I say sobbing.

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