61. Accepted

13 3 1

Songs for this chapter:
Stay With Me - Brooklyn Duo
Tenerife Sea - Ed Sheeran
Centuries - Brooklyn Duo


Noelani's pov
I get ready for school, have some breakfast, brush my teeth and have a wash, do my hair and makeup. Just the usual stuff for school. Connor went home last night but he was worried about leaving me on my own during night time. I assured him I will be okay and I was... I mean I have my usual nightmare of the crash but I know how I can recover from it so it's not like I was lying to him.

I look at the time and I have half an hour to wait... I must have gotten ready really quickly. I go into the quiet room and play my guitar in the corner. Strumming random cords to random songs. Mostly Ed Sheeran and Hozier. I sing silently and get lost in my guitar. There's a knock on the front door. I put my guitar away and grab my school bag. I go out and open the front door. It's just Troye.

"Hey." I say a little surprised that it is just him.

"Hi, the other two had to get to school early because they both have interviews for colleges. The found out this morning." Troye says.

"Oh, okay." I say smiling.

I step out and lock the front door after me. Troye smiles warmly and I link arms with him and we walk down the road.

"Do you think you have been accepted for the places you applied for?" I ask Troye.

"I don't know... I hope so. I really want to go further with acting or maybe broadway." He says.

"When you do your first broadway please send me tickets, front row and backstage." I say, giggling a little.

"Oh, you'll be getting VIP tickets." Troye says, winking.

I chuckle slightly and we both walk silently.

"What about you? Do you think you have been accepted for the colleges you applied for?" Troye asks me.

"I hope so. But I can just see the no's being because I'm a care kid or something dumb and annoying like that. It won't be a first though... It always happens... School trips, I can't go because I need a parents signature not a care worker. School is dumb." I say to him.

"You are still a human being, I don't get why you have less privileges than me, just because you are in a care home doesn't mean you should have to go without." Troye says.

"I don't get it either Troye... I just hope they open their eyes so other kids like me don't have to go without. But at least I know not to take things for granted like I could." I say as his arm moves and his hand holds mine.

I see Troye nod slightly and I smile. We both walk along and we get to school. Troye sits in tutor with me as we are ten minutes early. We just talk about random stuff, like what we are doing in the lessons we aren't in together and when we can meet up to do revision. When Mr Padilla comes in Troye leaves to go to tutor. Connor comes in and he smiles weakly and sits next to me.

"How did it go?" I ask him.

"Really well... They liked my applications and the interview went well... I should be getting a phone call from them tonight telling me if I have been accepted or not." He says, still a little panicked.

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