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Denki now walks towards the changing room.

Only to feel someone sling their strong muscular arm around Denki's fragile shoulder and speak in a husky tone near his ear shell, "You really are an enigma".

Denki turns his head to the side and blinks his eyes nonchalantly at the dark skinned spiky haired, Hero Safety Commission agent and asks, "Who are you again?".

The Hero safety Commission agent boy blinks his eyes in disbelief and asks, "You just met me down in the arena a while ago!. Remember Heiji James?".

Denki hums at the boy's question.

Heiji stares at the golden haired boy in disbelief again and with irritation grabs  the boy's chin towards his face as the boy was avoiding making eye contact with him.

"Hey red riding hood it's rude to ignore a person speaking to you" says an irritated Heiji James now.

Denki looks coldly at Heiji and says, "Your annoying".

"W-w-what?" yells a shocked Heiji james.

"Who is that Kaminari-kun?" ask Midoriya Izuku from behind Denki.

Denki turns to look at Midoriya Izuku, Torodoki Shoto and Iida Tenya stepping out of the changing room.

Denki golden eyes flashes with an unknown emotion in his eyes and then he stares at the friends looking at him in a questioning manner and waiting for his response.

"A perverted stalker" says Denki with a dead pan look.

That was the day Hell seemed to have  frozen over


The three of them had different horrified reactions.

Iida Tenya speed walks past Denki and and points and accused finger at Heiji James who tries to quell the situation but Iida Tenya does not give him an opportunity to speak.

"Y-y-you! ruined my precious friend's innocence!" screams a angry red faced Iida Tenya.

While Heiji James eyes go wide like suacers.

Denki sweat drop and thinks, 'Welp should not have said those words. But it's fun to see Iida-kun's over the top dramatic performance'.

This makes Denki snicker but he is immediately turned around by Midoriya Izuku and Torodoki Shoto who both at once ask him with in panic in their voice raised slightly, "Where did he touch you!?".

Denki goes pale and literally eeps at their expressions.

Midoriya Izuku's eyes shone a dark deathly green colour on the other hand Torodoki Shoto had a dangerous glint in his monochrome eyes.

Both the boy's thoughts at the moment were-

'All Might forgive me I might use 100% of my quirk to smash the bastard until his brain pops out of head'.

'Tsk how dare he ruin my sunshine's innocence. I will burn and freeze him at the same time and put all the blame on Endeavor'.

This time I will protect them I won't be a coward Where stories live. Discover now