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The warning message sent alarm bells ringing in Denki's head.

Denki could not get the flashing message out of his mind after reading it.
'Be Alert. Unknown people are prowling around the trauma centre premises'.

He started shivering from the slight fever he was recovering from but he could not stop his hands from trembling. He handed pulls on his cardigan sleeves down to hide them from his sensei and friends.

How badly Denki wanted to run back to the infirmary but classes were important too!.

Denki cries internally and puts his pager back in his cardigan pocket and enters his class making sure to hide his trembling fingers and keep his face devoid of any emotions.

His friends shoot he weird looks when he sits down on his seat and pretends to listen to Midnight sensei lecture half heartedly while his stomach started to hurt him from overthinking.


It was the last period before lunch break and it  was math and they were given problems to solve on their own.

Ectoplasm sensei kept shooting worried looks at Denki's way while Denki gave the Pro Heroe an innocent angel smile.

Earlier before Ectoplasm sensei walked into Denki's class. He noticed something was off about the boy's behaviour and how extremely pale and weak he looked just like his colleague Yagi Toshinori.

On the other hand, Denki was trying to keep his mind off about the eerie message sent to him by the hospital by trying to solve the last question of the math problem only to feel a pair of multiple eyes lingering on him quite intensely.

And the worst part was whenever Denki turned around to catch that person red handed. The unknown person or persons would hide their facial expressions very well from being shown that they were the one watching him.

He could not even guess which one of his classmates was making him uncomfortable by their intense staring for godsake!. And they did it so stealthily. Denki grits his teeth in frustration.

Denki sighs and the bell rings announcing lunch break.

All his classmates start walking out of the classroom chatting about what they are going go order for lunch or have they started this new series. None of them stop by his desk.

This makes Denki's anxiety levels spike as he felt someone gaze again on him.

Denki shakes his head and decides to head to the cafeteria as he would need the energy to survive his next  afternoon heroic  class.

Before Denki could step out of the classroom with his both hands in his cardigan pockets. He feels a soft tap on his shoulder.

Denki turns his face slightly to see Dark Shadow grinning cheerfully at him and says in an enthusiastic voice, "Tokoyami heard this song called Abracadabra by Lady Gaga. He has been singing this song all day even under his breath. Have you heard it?".

"That's enough Dark Shadow! He doesn't listen to those types of songs!" says a flustered Tokoyami and tries to pull back  Dark Shadow into his soul while Dark Shadow wails like a little kid and says tearfully, "Noooo Toko I want to speak to Sunshine!".

"You can do it later" retorts back Tokoyami embarassedly with slight anger present in his voice.

Denki blinks at the scene that was going on in front of him and starts giggling softly at duo's antics.

Both Tokoyami and Dark Shadow stop their bickering when they hear the sound of soft giggling coming from Denki.

"I have heard that song - Pay the toll to the angels. Drawing circles in the clouds
Keep your mind on the distance
When the devil turns around~" sings Denki beautifully while doing some slight hand movements and returns the same happy energy  back which Dark Shadow radiated to him earlier while talkingm

"AWW...so you heard it. See I told you Toko! Now you are my best friend" says Dark Shadow happily and hugs Denki tightly.

"Was I not your friend from day one?" asks Denki softly while his honey golden eyes stare at Tokoyami's bright red face who tried to cough it off and play it cool by saying, "I found you ethereal from day one when you walked into the class cough* cough* the whole class enamoured with  you and you looked so blinding that made me kept my distance from you that I did not want my darkness to stain your light. I always wanted to befriend you but due to some unfortunate circumstances I could not speak to you".

"That's so poetic" says an amused Denki.

Hearing the genuineness in Denki's  voice makes Tokoyami faces burn bright red and he turns to hide his face while Dark Shadow muzzles and coos at Denki.

'I have not never seen this side of Tokoyami before have I?' muses Denki.

Denki smiles at the Tokoyami who was still hiding his red face from him while Dark Shadow was pestering Tokoyami while whispering something in his ear.

"Hey, do you two want to join me for lunch?" says Denki softly with a lovely smile curling around his lips.

"Sure, we would love too" says Tokoyami in his monotone voice on behalf of Dark Shadow while Dark Shadow cheered with his clawed raised hands in the air.

At the cafeteria,

Denki stood before the menu pondering what to get. His stomach was hurting so badly. That he did not want to eat but the same time he needed energy to stand straight on his feet instead of fainting like some victorian lady.

Finally he orders a congee and takes his tray where Tokoyami was seated besides a sad faced Midoriya and Todoroki Shoto who was slurping on his cold soba quietly while Iida Tenya was explaining something to the group by doing his hand chopping movement.

Denki moves closer to the group only to hear a thwack sound and a muttering  apologies of Kendo Itsuka of class 1-B who dragged a manically laughing  Monoma Neito with her who sang while clutching both his sides, "Smelly hero smelly hero, what gloom did they feed you today?. It's really your fault.. really your fault for not saving the day. I smell a Smelly hero who ate gloom and now I must hit him ahhaha hahah" laughs Monoma Neito more hysterically while waving at Denki with a smirk look and a wink send his way which Denki chooses to ignore and places his food tray besides Midoriya who was rubbing his back of the head painfully while wincing slightly as he felt the forming bump now.

"What just happened? asks Denki with an raised eyebrow. As he takes his seat beside Midoriya.

"Monoma Neito hit Midoriya out of nowhere with a food tray" says a stoic Tokoyami as he bites into his apple.

"That Monoma Neito knows clearly that bullying is strictly prohibited at this prestigious UA high. How could he-" says Iida Tenya with fury flashing in his eyes.

"Do you want me to go straight and complain to Aizawa sensei Midoriya?" says a stoic Todoroki Shoto.

Denki studies Midoriya's face  who effortlessly laughs it off and  nervously says to his friends that he is fine.

Denki stares at Midoriya while placing his chin on his  hand and thinks, 'When I said bully Midoriya to Monoma Neito. I  did not mean it to be physical did I ?'.

Denki slightly regretted at what he had done and sighs to himself and looks at Midoriya sipping water from the glass.

Without thinking the words slipped out of Denki's mouth before he could stop himself, "Do you want me to kiss you to make the pain go away".

Midoriya chokes on the water he was sipping on and starts coughing badly. While Iida Tenya screams out Midoriya's name and Denki pats loudly on the Midoriya's back. He was not expecting this type of reactions and thinks to himself, 'Just what the heck is wrong with his classmates. He was just messing around with them!? It's not like he did it intentionally'.

Today was just not Izuku Midoriya's day

Let's see how the Heroic class goes for Midoriya. Will he be able avoid his crush?.

You all already know the answer to that question ;)

This time I will protect them I won't be a coward Where stories live. Discover now