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The two-on-two team battle comes to an end with All Might suddenly disappearing when the bell starts ringing.

With the class dismissed, the students head back to the locker room to get changed while chattering excitedly about team battle and introduce themselves to each other and ask what their new friend's plans are now that classes have ended.

Denki too walks behind with his group of friends and tries keeping up with their pace at the same time clutching his sides in pain and tries not to wince and his classmates were sure oblivious that something was not right with him.

Soon the boys enter into the locker room and the door closes with a soft click while Denki keeps on walking towards the bathroom stall.

His walking soon turns into stumbling and swaying and with each step he took he could feel the pain increase.

Denki opens one of the stalls and shuts the door and slides in the lock and with that an immense excruciating pain bursts through Denki's entire body.

Denki slides down the wall of the stall and tries to make himself as small as possible.

Now he was terrified to even look at his own Lichtenberg scars which he knew by heart had turned into a ugly colour of purple and black.

He grits his teeth in pain, blinking away the tears from his eyes and wills himself to get up from the cold stone floor.

He grounds himself by thinking, 'Your fine nothing has happened so far. Everyone is smiling even Izuku Midoriya is not depressed and Bakugou Katsuki and Midnight Sensei are not dead and Ayoyama Yuga is not declared a traitor yet'.

With that last thought and calming himself down from the little episode, Denki gets up from the cold hard floor and puts on his uniform and hurries to his class before Midoriya rushes out to confront Bakugou about his quirk - One For All.

Denki enters his chattering classroom. It seems no one had gone back home yet and they were really taking their sweet time to head back home except there was no sign of Bakugou Katsuki to which Denki surmised that Midoriya would be coming back from the infirmary soon.

Denki goes towards his assigned seat and grabs his backpack and places the straps on his shoulders and stuffs something in his pockets.

At that moment, Midoriya enters the classroom with a bandaged arm and is immediately bombarded with questions about his quirk by Kirishima Erijiou, Sero Hanta, Ashido Mina, Rikido Sato and Toru Hagakure.

Denki sighs at the sight of his friends crowding around poor Midoriya.

And thinks to himself, 'At least give the poor boy some space to breathe'.

And starts walking towards Midoriya with a stoic face and stands in front of him and brings his fist up in front of Midoriya's face.

At this sudden strange gesture of Kaminari. Midoriya looks at Kaminari with a perplexed expression and fist bumps him with his good hand and to Midoriya's surprise. Denki opens his fists and puts star shaped colourful candies in Midoriya's palm.

Then it hits Midoriya that Kaminari was trying to cheer him up and was about to tell him thank you.

While a loud squeal interrupts Midoriya from thanking Kaminari as both Ashido Mina and Toru Hagakure holding hands in delight and squealing once again at the sudden cute gesture of Kaminari Denki.

Denki ignores his friends reactions and briskly walks out of the class and says, "Bye".

With a pained expression on his face Denki steps outside of the classroom door. While Midoriya takes note of Kaminari's expression due to his quick observational skills and begins to feel something is not right with Kaminari Denki. Then, his gaze shifts towards Kacchan's empty seat.

Later, when inquiring about Kacchan's absence in the class from Kirishima Erijiou and realising that he has left for home.

Midoriya hurries downstairs to catch up with Kacchan. While his friends try to stop from doing so and telling Midoriya that Bakugou was in a very bad mood when he had left the class but Midoriya pays no heed to his new classmates.

Meanwhile in the bathroom, Denki pops two pain medication pills in his mouth and gags while swallowing the nasty pills down his throat.

He could hear someone frantically running across the hallway down the stairs which he assumes is Midoriya going after Bakugou.

Denki walks out of the washroom and takes slow steps while walking down the stairs in order to avoid eavesdropping on the two boys conversation and also avoid raising suspicion in Midoriya as well.

But unfortunately fate was not on his side this time.

Bakugou Katsuki catches him coming out from the building as Midoriya's back is turned to Kaminari.

So, Denki had no clue what Midoriya's expression was at the moment.

Seeing Kaminari approaching from the exit of the building. Bakugou clicks his tongue and like an angry pomeranian and starts rubbing at his tear streaked face aggressively.

Seeing the sudden change in Bakugou's behaviour makes Midoriya turn around to see Kaminari walking up to them and stopping in front of Bakugou and bringing up his fist.

Bakugou silently fist bumps back Kaminari and Kaminari hands out star shaped colourful candies to Bakugou and whispers so softly that only Midoriya and Bakugou could hear him say, "l need to catch the train back home...Bye".

Midoriya stares at Kaminari's retreating figure with mixed feelings while Bakugou stares at the star shaped candies in his palm with a soft smile.


It was the rush hour, and the whole train was crowded. Denki had to stand while keeping a hand on the pole in hopes that no one would push him while keeping a distance from the crowded people in the train.

As his scars were still in slight pain and Denki looked around at the people crowded in his carriage.

Everyone had places to be at. Be it back to their families, cat or bed or getting drunk at a random pub.

While Denki had to be at home to attend a tea party organised by Lizzy.

He looks out of the electronic glass windows and smiles at the setting sun and thinks to himself, 'Today was a very fruitful day'. While listening to the music being played in his earphones and starts reminiscing with the lyrics to the song as the setting sun rays fell on his face.

Denki lets his head fall against the warm glass door while the orange rays of the sun played with the features of his face and he closes his eyes for a while and lets the lyrics of the song sink into his soul, "I' ve known too well about pretending to be strong. But since then, my doubts have vanished. There's definitely things I want to show you. And so many words I want to hear. I want to see all sides of you when you laugh and cry. So I'll stop waiting and seize my "chance". I think of you and I feel like that alone is enough to make my heart grow stronger. I always, always wish that these fleeting thoughts would reach you...."

This time I will protect them I won't be a coward Where stories live. Discover now