Denki was running towards the direction of the poisonous gas. He could feel the air get thicker and thicker as he moved towards that direction.He grits his teeth in pain as blood starts slowly dripping from the corner of his mouth. His already unhealed body was already under pressure as he was already moving a thunder cloud towards the villain named Mustard's direction.
As much as he wanted to go and help Midoriya in his fight against Muscular.
He knew he could not interfere in the fight as it was already decided for Kota to look up at Midoriya as his personal hero.
Denki blinks away the tears in his eyes only get bumped into the steely muscular body of Tetsutetsu.
The silver haired boy's eyes go wide with surprise to see Denki there.
Both Kendou and Tetsutetsu together say, "Aren't you Kaminari-kun from class 1-A?".
"You should not be moving in this direction the air is too poisonous and you don't have a face mask on" says Kendou sternly.
At the same time, Tetsutetsu exclaims with horror, "B-Blood blood you are bleeding!-". But gets cut with Manadaly's quirk as it echoes in their mind.
It seems the villain's targets are both Kacchan and Kaminari Denki.
Denki's eyes go wide at the mention of his name.
'Ah shit!. Why am I on the wanted list!?'.
But he does not pay heed to the warning and moves towards the direction of villain's poisonous gas quirk with a made up plan.
While Kendou and Tetsutetsu ask him to return back. Upon seeing the fragile boy not paying attention to them. They too run behind him.
Denki runs into the villain Mustard's line of sight who was already prepared with a gun in his hand. And he points his gun and shoots in Denki's direction.
Denki gets pulled back by the cuff of his shirt by Tetsutetsu and thrown back behind him in the process, Denki's back gets hit against a tree trunk.
While trying to protect Denki poor Tetsutetsu gets hit by the bullet in the forehead again and again causing blood to trickle down his forehead.
On the other hand, Kendo uses her big fists quirk to swing her hands around to make the poisonous air around them to move away.
Now Mustard strikes a nerve in Denki when he calls both Kendou and Tetsutetsu simpletons of UA in his little speech.
This comment makes Denki angry and he immediately takes out the prototype whip created by Yaoyorozu Momo from his short's pocket and slashes it at Mustard.
The masked boy yelps in pain and causes his gun to fall on to the ground.
The masked villain holds his hand in pain and says, "What the hell-". But goes quiet with fear when he sees Denki's honey golden eyes glowing dangerously.
Both Kendou and Tetsutetsu look at Denki with worried looks.
Denki starts to move towards Mustard quietly while the masked boy tries to back away from Denki.
But Denki keeps walking and says, "Keep yapping and see where it gets you soggyflake".
The masked boy tries to buff himself up and replies, "Hahha what are you going to do huh? You are already bleeding from the corner of your mouth. You are just digging your grave we are the Villain league first strike squad hahah".
To this Denki raises his brow and replies, "Oh really" with the corners of mouth slowly turning into a smirk.
The masked boy immediately gulps and starts trembling in fear like a leaf. He knows about the boy's quirk in front of him. They all were debriefed about the class 1-A students quirk.
Denki without looking back throws the prototype whip at Tetsutetsu who confusedly catches the whip and looks back at Denki
Denki continues to speak coldly, "You both hold on to that whip unless you both want to be affected by my quirk".
Kendou's eyes go wide and while Tetsutetsu screams with a surprise edge in his voice, "Hey just what are you planning to do pretty boy!?".
Denki does not reply back as he grabs the fallen masked boy's wrist and tugs him to his feet.
The boy in the form of resistance scratches Denki's hands with his sharp nails.
Denki does not wince at the pain but does not let go of the struggling feral villain boy in front of him and asks him in an icy tone, "Have you ever felt Zeus's anger?".
The masked boy gulps in fear and replies back, "N-no".
Denki grins and says, "Well now you do".
Suddenly a big bolt of lightning falls from the sky on the two boys.
The ground shakes with such vibrations that everyone felt Kaminari Denki using his quirk at such scary intensity.

This time I will protect them I won't be a coward
FanfictionDuring the final war arc Kaminari Denki gets hit in the head and wakes up in his 14 year old body two months before his UA entrance exam and vows to protect his friends by supporting them as a side character from the side lines but he does not real...