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The battle between Torodoki vs Midoriya was so brute that Kaminari Denki wanted to close his eyes. Midoriya's whole body was battered in bruises and cuts.

Midoriya's fingers were all  broken beside one pinky finger while other fingers were busted during which he  used his quirk as wind pressure to propel Torodoki's ice attacks.

The way Midoriya Izuku used his quirk was totally unhinged than the future Midoriya Izuku who had perfectly managed the art of using One For All quirk.

Denki holds his breath. He could see a beastly type of madness in Midoriya's dark green eyes. Midoriya looked very unhinged in his movement while fighting Torodoki Shoto's ice spike attacks.

Denki squints his eyes and tries to lip read what Midoriya is saying to Torodoki while clenching his fingers into a fist in the arena.

Denki's eyes widened with horror.  Torodoki is going to use his fire quirk!. The air becomes extremely hot and Torodoki Shoto's left side bursts with huge flames.

The bright red flame looked like an unleashed monster waiting for his master to let it go loose.

Midoriya did not have the chance of surviving this. Denki could see Midnight Sensei and Cementos sensei using their quirks to lessen the damage between these two vicious raw powers.

Suddenly Denki gets up from his seat  and moves towards the railing and clutches the railing until his knuckles turn white and screams, "Midoriya! Use your pinky finger to rebound Torodoki's attack!".

While Denki was screaming at Midoriya. Both Kirishima Erijiou and Sero Hanta  tried to pull Denki away from the railing now as the air was getting extremely hot.

Denki screams at the top of his bloody lungs for one more time at Midoriya to listen to him, "Use your quirk to rebound it back to Torodoki! .. MIDORIYA! Dammit IZUKU get away from there!".

The last thing Denki sees is Midoriya smiling at Torodoki before a huge protective wall comes up as a shield blocking Denki's view.

Denki mutters under his breath, "You crazy bastard!".

This time I will protect them I won't be a coward Where stories live. Discover now