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A gruff voice and a rough gloved hand is placed on his shoulder.

Denki whip his head around to see Bakugou Katsuki standing there in front of him with a concern look.

Denki's golden eyes dart around the restroom. There is no shadowy distorted figure anymore nor the lights above him are flickering.

Everything seemed to be back to normal.

Bakugou clicks his tongue and turns off the running water tap besides Denki.
And stares at Denki's face with extreme concern.

The only sound in the restroom was the ticking of the clock and Denki's fast breathing could be heard.

Katsuki tsk and uses his orange gloved hand to wipe away the tears streaming down from Denki's golden eyes.

Katsuki begins contemplating on how he can ask his fragile friend on what made him cry like this. Only to stop thinking when his annoying friend, Deku too entered the restroom.

Deku freezes on the spot and ignores  the glaring daggers that were being thrown by Kacchan at him. Right now his eyes were fixated on a crying Denki.
His fragile friend looked so weak and tired. It literally broke Izuku's heart at whatever was going on in his fragile friend's head.

'Was it exam stress related problems?' were the thoughts of Izuku.

Denki through his blurred teary vision catches the familiar sage green colour of Deku's hero costume.

Denki wanted someone to comfort him or just a hug would suffice. He wanted Midoriya to comfort him just like how he did last week at the infirmary when he was woken up from the nightmare or will Midoriya push him away?. It was 'ok' if he pushed him away in disgust after the hug.

Denki never ever had received hugs from his loved ones that mattered to him the most in his life besides his own mom.

He craved for physical hugs.

Denki on auto pilot moves towards Midoriya.

Denki without warning hugs Midoriya and buries his face deep into the crook of his neck and with shaking hands  grabs the hood of his costume.

Denki inhales the sharp scent of ocean.
It was a pleasant smell. Denki felt like his soul was anchored at one spot now.

He could feel the dark thoughts disappearing away.

Midoriya on the other hand calmly pats him on the back and whispers, "Shush it's okay! Kaminari-kun. Stop crying".

Denki hiccups and whispers quietly, "I want it to stop".

Then, Denki goes back to sobbing again.

Midoriya and Bakugou at the same time think, 'Stop what exactly?'.

Bakugou was about to speak only to screech in surprise, "Oi Deku!".

Izuku was about to respond back to Kacchan only to stop and when he felt the scratch on his cheek which he had received from his fight against the  Shiketsu's female student healing up.

Izuku eyes widen in fear. He needed to push kaminari away from him otherwise he did not know what other side effects the poor boy would be facing.

"Kacchan!" says a scared Izuku now.

Bakugou had understood what the nerd meant. He was about to grab Denki away from Deku only to stop. When Deku's quirk unknowingly activates and green static energy of One For All starts crackling around Denki.

Izuku yelps and holds Denki tightly around him. In fear that he would get injured by his quirk. Only for the green energy to burst in the air like confetti.

Both Midoriya and Bakugou stare at the falling glittery green confetti in shock.

Then Bakugou quietly says, "A calming aura effect?".

Before Midoriya could ask Kacchan to elaborate his words.

The door to the restroom slammed open.

Both the boys froze while Denki on the other hand was rubbing his puffy red eyes tiredly.

This time I will protect them I won't be a coward Where stories live. Discover now