Izuku thought about visiting Kaminari at the infirmary.It's been two days since he passed out after he healed Izuku from his Healing quirk and Izuku felt really bad that his friend went to such an extreme length to heal him when Recovery girl had strictly told him to not use the quirk given to him by All For One.
Izuku felt he was the one to be blamed for this cause. He slowly walked towards the infirmary after coming up with his ultimate move and he needed to practice his shooting style technique one more time.
On the way to the Infirmary he is met up with Uraraka Ochako and Iida Tenya coming from the support department they all decide to give a surprise visit to Kaminari.
Then Mineta Minrou also joined them halfway and pointed out that they were so sure he would be awake. Since the chances of him waking up looked null to the short boy.
This leads to Mineta cowering behind Midoriya's back when Uraraka and Iida looked at him in a glaring manner and politely told him not to say such words regarding their classmate's health.
Izuku was the first one to step into the infirmary room and immediately took notice of Recovery girl's absence.
Iida Tenya surmises that she must be attending a meeting.
Uraraka Ochako and Iida Tenya stood on the side of the door awkwardly and even Mineta Minrou hesitated to walk up to the Kaminari's bed.
Izuku quietly walks up to the bed to see Kaminari sleeping peacefully with an IV drip attached to his hand.
He looked very thin and pale in the room's light. The infirmary room windows were open and the curtains were swaying with the cold breeze coming in.
Uraraka Ochako on instinct moves towards the two windows to shut them so that their poor friend does not catch any type of flu while he is recovering.
To break the weird silence, Mineta Minrou asks Iida Tenya what his strategic ultimate move he was going to use during the provisional license exam?.
At the question Iida Tenya happily goes into full detail mode about his idea which grabs Izuku's attention and he listens with great interest now turned towards the class president.
After a few minutes. Izuku hears the rustling sound of the bedsheets.
Hearing the sound makes them go quiet again.
Izuku turns around to see Kaminari waking up from sleep in a panicked manner.
Izuku being the closest to the fragile boy places his gloved hand on the thin boy's shoulder.
Izuku looks at Kaminari's face only for him to catch his words in his throat. Kaminari is crying!.
Izuku keeping the situation in mind sits down on the bed and calmly asks the boy in front of him, "Kaminari-kun are you okay? Where does it hurt? The class president and Uraraka-san have left to get a Recovery girl".
While Mineta Minrou screamed in panic that Kaminari had gone bonkers!!.
Izuku frowns at not getting a response as his friends crying becomes more hysterical and he was trembling so badly.
Izuku was about to get up to get more blankets for the poor boy.
Only to be stopped when he hears a soft voice whispering, "D-Don't leave me".
Izuku stills when he feels two hands wrapping around his neck and Denki hugging him.
Izuku could feel his quirk One For All activating on its own and starts cracking silently around them.
Izuku could feel the boy slightly sobbing onto his hero costume and on instinct Izuku starts rubbing circles around his back to soothe him from the unknown pain while his other gloved hand carded through his blonde hair to calm the blonde boy down.
Izuku after some time let out a sigh of relief when he felt the boy going quiet and it seemed like Kaminari was asleep again. But continues repeating rubbing circles on his back.
Soon Recovery girl arrived too along with his two friends who were panting behind her.
Recovery girl was in the state of shock she had not anticipated the fact that Kaminari would go into panic mode.
She drives the four of them out of the infirmary room.
She sits on the chair and stares at the fragile boy's rising chest moving up and down in his sleep.
She sighs it was going to be a long night with no sleep.
The boy had received a rare healing quirk with an unknown working mechanism and she needs to make a report on it and send it to Nezu by tomorrow.
It was actually for the first time she had seen Nezu look so venerable when he was listening to the detailed explanation of Kaminari Denki's second quirk that she had noticed up till now.
She saw a hint of sadness flashing in Nezu's eyes. She had stopped in her mid conversation to ask Nezu if he was okay?.
Nezu let out a quiet whimper as he composed himself before speaking, "The gist.. .No excuse me, I need to gather my thoughts".
Recovery Girls nods her head quietly at Rodent.
Nezu quietly sips on the glass of water in front of him and clears his throat and speaks, there was a slight quiver in his voice as he spoke, "I got some of the gist of the quirk. And I am frightened that it is a forbidden classified quirk".
Nezu whimpers while completing the sentence.Now this makes the Recovery girl more curious and she asks Nezu to elaborate a bit.
Nezu then looks her straight in the eye and says quietly, "I met that quirk user once at the time when I was being tortured by those people at the facility. That very person had used that very same quirk's last dying embers to heal my wounds and let me escape from the facility".
Recovery girl lets out a breath which she did not know when she held.
Then she asks with a doubt ringing in her voice, "that very person now? Alive hopefully I believe?".
Nezu shakes his head bitterly and says, "That person was never human to begin with but one thing is that 'IT' had hated All For One" .
Recovery Girl breaks out of her train of thoughts when she hears Denki cough in his sleep.
She sighs again. It was going to be a long night.

This time I will protect them I won't be a coward
FanfictionDuring the final war arc Kaminari Denki gets hit in the head and wakes up in his 14 year old body two months before his UA entrance exam and vows to protect his friends by supporting them as a side character from the side lines but he does not real...