Back to Denki and the rest of his classmates, they all had split into groups now. Denki too was helping in aiding in the rescue operation until he saw a huge explosion taking place near the entrance gate of the stadium .Gang orca!
Denki hands an injured civilian to Uraraka Ochako. Then Denki uses his quirk and the wing boots to fly towards the villain's attack site while Uraraka Ochako yells from behind as her sisterly instincts kick in, "Don't run off on your own Kaminari-kun..KAMINARI!".
A little distance away Denki spots Torodoki Shoto and Inasa quarrelling with each other to back off from the site like Alpha vs Alpha kind of situation was going on up ahead. Both were not ready to give up on the said territory while on the other hand the villains were using cement guns to shoot at the examinees in order to immobilize them and destroy the first aid shelters brutally just like any real villain would do.
Denki uses his new support weapon, his archery bracelet and concentrates his electrical flow of his quirk to create a bow and arrow and shoots his shot.
Denki lets his quirk flow wildly into the bow and pulls his hand a little behind to create an electrical arrow and keeps his fingers on the electrical arrow tab which is now buzzing with deadly electricity and shoots it with a concentrated precision at the villains down below.
One of the villain side kicks of Gang Orca laughs along with his gang while pointing at Denki, "Haha what is one arrow going to harm us with". But the poor fellow had misunderstood the situation. That one arrow turned into multiple arrows and rained down at the villains who scream in pain while the arrows that disappeared into the ground reappeared like a crackling energy to form around an electrical prison making them unable to move from the spot as the electrical flow voltage was quite deadly.
Denki starts coughing up blood continuously now.
Ugh he was bleeding both from his nose and mouth and his Lichtenberg scars were burning in an unimaginable way.
Oh God. He had not anticipated this type of effect from his quirk.
Through the unbearable pain, Denki focuses on the two quarrelling idiots in front of him.
Denki with shaky fingers unclasps his red hooded cape while using his quirk simultaneously to create an electrical barrier around him to keep Gang Orca and the rest of the minion villains at bay.
Meanwhile Torodoki Shoto looks annoyed up at inasa who was floating in the air with the help of his quirk called whirlwind and asks him to stop getting in his way. Then Inasa starts going into soliloquy mode on why he hates the great Torodoki Shoto.
Denki grits his teeth as his Lichtenberg scars are burning regardless of the pain he still manages to throw his red hooded cape over a surprised Torodoki Shoto's head and slaps Torodoki Shoto right across the cheek. This unexpected situation causes inasa to stop with his soliloquy and Gang Orca looks with both interest and surprise from the other side of the ice boundary and electrical barrier preventing him moving forward.
Gang Orca scratches his cheek and thinks, 'Oya these two quirks are working with synergy'.
Meanwhile in the monitor room, Mera turns to record the footage of the clip on what the fragile boy was going to do with more interest and Heiji James who sat beside Mera, literally choked on his coffee at what was going down there on the exam ground from the monitor room
Heiji james sweat drops and thinks, 'Damn I picked the wrong person to mess around with. Point to be noted, definitely not a cinnamon roll'.
As no one would have dared to slap the great son of number two Pro Hero Endeavor.
Torodoki Shoto with wide eyes stared at Denki who looked back at him in anger and said, "This is not the time for thinking whose son you are or quarrelling about pointless stuff. Right now your Shoto. Only Shoto with no labels . Just a pro hero doing his best to protect the injured citizens from the terrorist villains".
Everyone in the nearby area was quite impressed by Denki's eloquent speech.
Even Gang Orca raised his one eyebrow in an impressed manner while Mera uttered 'oh' at the screen.
Even Midoriya Izuku who was fighting the minion villain was impressed by Denki's little speech. Shindo rubs his throbbing head and thanks Izuku for saving him from the deadly approaching flames from the quarrelling idiots earlier, otherwise if he had not saved him. He would have been a goner.
Torodoki Shoto immediately recovers from the slap and focuses on Denki's tired pale face and exclaims with horror, "Your bleeding quite heavily!".
"Uff what did you expect was going to happen?. Were you expecting me to cough up glitter now?" replies an amused Denki.
Denki gave a lopsided smile to a silent Torodoki Shoto even though his body was going to collapse any time soon.
Shoto smiles at Denki feeling all guilty at what he had done to make the boy take such drastic measures just to make him realise his mistake and caress Denki's cheek slightly while getting blood stains on his finger tips.
Shoto uses his ice quirk lightly to numb Denki's pain only to stop when he hears the boy wincing and hissing slightly with tightly closed eyes.
Now Shoto was extremely concerned that it was not a normal reaction he was expecting.
Shoto stares darkly at Denki and thinks, 'If the exam was not going on. I would have stripped you downright on the field to check over your hidden injuries'.
But he needed to focus on the exam right now.
Shoto could feel the slap sting less now after hearing Denki's words he instantaneously regrets his actions.
Inasa looks down quietly at Denki with a blank expression. He thought the great Torodoki Shoto would tell the boy off but he did not. As if knowing he was staring at them, Denki raises his head to look up at him and points an accusing finger at Inasa and tells him play time is over and it's about high time they both start to co-operate with each other no buts!.
Both Torodoki Shoto and Inasa utter with horrified looks, "Uh".
Then Denki starts coughing up more blood into his palm again even the slightest breath he takes in sends a sharp shooting pain, across his ribcage while Torodoki Shoto coos at him softly.
'Shit the barrier'.

This time I will protect them I won't be a coward
FanfictionDuring the final war arc Kaminari Denki gets hit in the head and wakes up in his 14 year old body two months before his UA entrance exam and vows to protect his friends by supporting them as a side character from the side lines but he does not real...