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Denki's eyes go wide when he sees the Muscular Nomu about to hit Midoriya.

While All Might stood there helpless clutching his left side of his bloody ribcage. The same side on which he received a deadly scar from All For One.
Denki winces at the thought and uses 15% of his quirk energy to snap the Nomu's mind numb for the time being. Making the Nomu go lax .

While Shigaraki Tomura tries to command Nomu to break the boy into pieces but receives no response from the artificial intelligence, Nomu.

Shigaraki Tomura starts stomping his feet on the ground at the same time Kurogiri appears informing him that a kid has escaped and the Pro Heroes would be arriving soon. Hearing that Shigaraki Tomura clicks his teeth as Kurogiri unravels the warp gate.

Denki had no idea how long his quirk effects were going to last since the Nomu has an absorption quirk and uses his sparkling circular rings with tiny floating stars at the Nomu to bind it at one place.

At the sudden ambush, Shigaraki Tomura and Midoriya Izuku turn to look at Denki standing there huffing and puffing bended over with one hand placed on his knee looking at them.

Denki straightens himself and starts walking up towards Midoriya who was holding his injured gloved hand towards his chest staring at Denki with amazement.

Denki stood beside Midoriya with a mischievous look in eyes and cutely smiles and says, "The hero's support character has arrived to defeat the last boss villain's ass".

Hearing this Shigaraki Tomura's eyes glint and stare piercingly at Denki with interest and says, "So it was you who have paralysed Nomu?".

Denki hum's at Shigaraki Tomura's question and says , "Maybe" and winks at him and is about to snap two sparkling circular rings at him.

When a series of explosions appeared on Kurogiri and Bakugou Katsuki keeps his hand on the metal plate warning Kurogiri to stay still or else he will be blasting the Villain's shitty ass to space and semi-yelling at Denki, "Oi sunshine! this isn't the time to be chit chatting with the villain".

Denki whispers, "Right".

Suddenly Shigaraki Tomura has a dark expression and menacingly says, "Nomu go grab that angel and Kurogiri use that warp gate".

Kurogiri compiles at Shigaraki's command and opens up the portal and Nomu breaks out of the trance-like state and jumps into the portal.

The portal appears underneath Denki's feet. Denki yelps while Midoriya with quick reflexes grabs onto Denki's right hand while Midoriya's injured gloved hand starts crackling with One For All energy.

Soon the Nomu appears half way through the portal and grabs Denki's right ankle and pulls him in. Denki raises his left wing boot to swing at the Nomu with the wing glinting dangerously like a knife in the air.

When all of a sudden a cold breeze blows through the central plaza and suddenly the ground is covered with ice and freezing the half side of the Nomu as well.

Midoriya pushes Denki onto the side and falls on top of Denki but immediately gets up with a bright red face stammering apologies while Denki uses his elbows to push himself up and turns to look at the direction from where the ice attack came and smiles seeing Torodoki Shoto and Kirishima Erijiou too have arrived to  help them.

Seeing his students working so hard with passion and determination to protect him. All Might regains his strength and goes Plus Ultra on the Nomu sending it flying through the glass dome and soon the Pro Heroes arrive at the scene along with Iida Tenya.

Claiming defeat the league of Villain disappears into the portal.

Cementos arrives at the central plaza and asks the boys to go and stand at the exit of USJ, so the medic could heal them.

Denki feels the adrenaline fading away now and feels a series of bursts of pain everywhere in his body.

He grits his teeth and sways side to side while clutching his sides but immediately drops his hands to the sides as his lichtenberg scars are burning horrendously now. He feels the same metallic taste rising in his mouth and he coughs blood into his palm.

Then he coughs up blood again, now his whole palm is dripping with blood. While Denki shell shocked stares at his palm and whispered to himself, "Please don't tell me this is another side effect of the quirk usage". With that Denki's world goes black.

Hearing Kaminari's coughing fits, Kirishima Erijiou being a good friend turns around to check up on him, only to scream out his name, "KAMINARI-KUN!".

The scream catches the attention of Bakugou Katsuki, Izuku Midoriya and Torodoki Shoto. The three turn around to witness Kaminari Denki's body hitting the ground with a thud.

This time I will protect them I won't be a coward Where stories live. Discover now