That unknown villain was actually Twice. He was here to buy the list of things asked to be purchased by none other than Shigaraki Tomura himself.
Twice once again looks at the blonde haired boy now moving to the cold beverages aisle and starts to daydream again,
'No, no I don't want to go back to Dabi-san. I want to keep continuing my observation on him. Hmmm oh. Ah what if I take the measurement of him and make his clone. Shigaraki would be so delighted. Noooo wait what if those clones kill Shigaraki. But having a clone of the boy would be nice!. We would be good friends. No no no! that boy is the hero and you're the villain. Remember that Twice but Dabi-san and Shigaraki already seem to like him. I also want to be closer to him..Oh no he is moving away. He got a drink that looks...good and the colour looks yummy. Maybe I should get the same drink as him..mmmm. Yep good idea. Wait I know what I can do for him!. What was it called. Doing something like kindness...Ahhhh what was that word again. Yes, I will pay for his snacks and for that plushie. Shigaraki gave me plenty of money'.
Twice happily gives a pat on his own shoulder and takes out his measurement tape to create his clone.
He was not scared of being caught as he was in hsi civilian clothes beside Dabi-san who stood in the old abandoned parking lot.
Back to Denki,
Denki rubs his nose. He had a feeling someone was watching him from the moment he stepped inside the store but whenever he turned around there was no one around him.
That's weird- too weird.
Denki grabs the strawberry oats milkshake carton from the freezer and puts it into his basket and checks his watch to see the time.
He has five minutes left before he meets class president and Shouji-kun at the cash counter.
He was about to turn to head there only to bump into someone in a hurry which caused Denki to almost trip but he did not fall.
Denki now stares at an old granny who stood there in front of him quietly staring back at him with owlish eyes through her rectangle spectacles. But one thing weirded Denki out, this old granny has well formed biceps and she looked muscular despite her old age.
Denki swallows a lump down his throat. When he hears her sweet sugary voice.
Denki got literal goosebumps on his arms now. He could feel his instincts yelling at him to run away.
The old granny speaks while staring at his red basket in hand and says in her sugary tone, "Dearie, can you grab for me that same kind of strawberry carton which you got from the shelf ah umm-".
"Self 4" says Denki softly.
The old granny beams up at him and says, "Yes Yes that one!".
Denki quickly grabs the carton and hands it out to the old granny who takes it happily and mutters, "Thank you so much dearie!"
Then She sprints into another aisle. While Denki watches her in astonishment.
He shakes his head in disbelief must be a running quirk and goes to the cash counter to see Iida Tenya radiating from happiness as he gets all the snacks which he needs.
Denki was about to hand out his basket to the cashier when she says someone has already paid for him. Those words surprise Denki and his two classmates who stood behind him.
Denki slams his both hands on the cashier's counter and says with urgency in his tone, "Who was it? Do you have a cctv camera here?"
His sudden change in tone and behaviour startled the cashier and his friends behind him.
As Denki patiently waits for the nervous cashier to speak up.
Denki could feel his heart skip a beat.
'Who was it?'
'A villain?'.
"Um that person had on a ski jacket and a baseball cap which covered their eyes and sir we don't have a cctv camera installed here in this store" says the cashier more nervously now.
Denki screams, "What!?".
Iida Tenya places his hand on Denki's shoulder, "Kaminari-kun, calm down!".
Instead of calming down, Denki slaps Iida Tenya's hand away from his shoulder and says in anger now, "Calm down! Did you not hear that shady description just no-".
Shouji Mezo uses his quirk and duplicates his hands and places his hand over Denki's mouth and uses his other hands like a cage to hold Denki who struggled against his holds .
Denki retaliates and tries to kick at the hands that held him in place since the kamino incident and being held by those red tendrils of All For One, he did not like being held like this not a single bit but poor Shouji Mezo did not know about it.
Shouji Mezo looks at Iida Tenya and says, "Please pay for the snacks and also don't forget to bag Kaminari-kun's stuff. Kaminari-kun and I will wait for you at the outside entrance".
Iida Tenya nods his head while he stares at Denki in worry.
Shouji Mezo drags a struggling Denki outside the store but damn the boy looks fragile but he puts up one hell of a fight and Shouji removes his duplicate hand from Denki's mouth.
The fragile boy inhales sharply and says, "What the hell!".
"Kaminari-kun calm down! What if that person has a kind of mutation quirk which is needed to hide their face from something which they don't want people to see and they paid for your things out of kindness. Please think about that. Calm yourself, Kaminari-kun, I think the exam pressure has gotten to you" says Shouji calmly and softly to the fragile boy held in his duplicate hands.
Denki goes rigid in Shouji's duplicate arms and feels a tear sliding down his face.
'Maybe he was jumping to conclusions too soon'.Shouji was shocked to see Denki cry and he tried to rock Denki in his hands with the help of his quirk. The fragile boy in front of him hiccups and covers his face with his pale hands and hoarsely says, "I am fine. Just give me a minute to organise my thoughts".
Denki hears the front entrance door open and hears the rustling of plastic bags.
Denki manages to make himself stop from crying but he could feel his heart thundering in his ribcage rather too loudly.
Back to Twice at the parking lot,
Twice was in his normal form now.
He was jumping up and down while whistling happily.He did a good deed!.
"What got you so excited Twice?" says a deathly cold hot voice.
"Uh?" Twice turns around to see Dabi leaning against a street lamp with his metallic ear cuffs glinting dangerously in the light.
Dabi's turquoise eyes literally pierced through Twice's head.
In the moment of happiness Twice points his index finger at him, "You now bow down to me I got the things you all asked me to bring and ohhh I saw the cute doll like boy the- one on Shigaraki's list. And I paid for his stuff in secret cause I am a villain".
Now Twice begins to skip happily in his steps while Dabi watches Twice running down the streets of the back alley to the warehouse with interest.
'So you too met the kitten' were the thoughts of an amused Dabi.

This time I will protect them I won't be a coward
FanfictionDuring the final war arc Kaminari Denki gets hit in the head and wakes up in his 14 year old body two months before his UA entrance exam and vows to protect his friends by supporting them as a side character from the side lines but he does not real...