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Denki felt a sharp pain radiating across his right cheek.

Denki lightly brings his finger up to touch his cheek. The stinging sensation of the slap makes him hiss in  pain.

The slap burned.

'Thank god he did not slap me with One For All quirk otherwise my brain would have popped out. If Midoriya desired he could have snapped me into two pieces' thinks Denki while nervously sweating.

While Midoriya stared at his own shaking hand at what he had done.

Izuku was startled by his own behaviour and he cursed at himself for allowing his emotions to get the better of him. He better mend his relationship with the fragile boy right away.

Midoriya was about to apologise only for Denki to cover his both ears and scream, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa stop just stop. I don't want to hear. It's going to be the same thing. kaminari we are your friends you should trust in us or tell us when you don't feel ok. Aaa just stop it!. I did not ask you all to do this for me! You all on your own accord push yourselves towards me. I am by no accord liable to tell you all what I feel...how I am feeling only my therapist can know about it. What  horrors and pain, I have gone through what you know about it!. When I don't know how to put into correct words what I am currently going through after the end of term exam and the kamino incident!?".

Denki stopped speaking as he felt breathless and  tears were following down his cheeks relentlessly now with no stopping and he could feel the bruise forming on his cheek now.

His heart felt numb.

These people don't know him. He is just a figment.. a stranger who is trying to save them by changing the trajectory of their lives. But what he gets in the end is nothing except PAIN.

At this point l, Denki decides he is definitely a monster and he should go and join his bloody uncle in the mental hospital located somewhere on the top of some snowy mountains and sing Macarena and dance merrily with the bloody perv holding hands.

Maybe his uncle was right maybe he is a twisted person.

Denki has a flashback of his uncle hitting his bloody back covered with Lichtenberg scars with his favourite  expensive crocodile belt quite ruthlessly with a crazed look.

Denki holds his head in his  palm to stop his head from swimming with the dark memories filling up his head. Why was he remembering these things?.

Conceal it. Don't let it show on your face. Conceal it. Smile widen your smile damnit. Your going to make your aunt Kiko upset again if you lie about uncle hitting you whispers an 11 year old scared Denki's voice in his head.

Midoriya stares at Denki's messed up state. He wanted to comfort the golden haired boy but he did not know. As the relation between them now felt slightly estranged.

Izuku felt so pathetic right now it made him more furiated.

As if hearing his thoughts, All Might places a hand on Midoriya's shoulder and shakes his head and whispers, "Midoriya Shounen. Just listen to what he has to say and let it be. Otherwise if you talk you might make the situation worse".

Denki stares at his feet and sees his vision still blurry from the constant crying. He closes his eyes and re-opens them hoping his vision to clear up.

Denki's thoughts were spiralling from the positive towards the negative ones. Maybe he should keep his mouth shut and not get involved in Eri's rescue mission for now.


Denki looks down and sees the black cat rubbing its face around his ankle.

Denki immediately scoops up the feline in his arms so it won't disappear.

The black cat nuzzles its face on Denki's uniform before settling quietly in his arms.

Its fluffy tail moves side to side in interest as it purrs in delight as Denki scratches the cat under its chin.

All Might and Midoriya stare at the cat in surprise at how calm it was in Denki's fragile arms.

Instantly Denki feels all calm.

Denki looks up at All Might with a blinding smile and says, "I was looking for this cute little fella in the bushes earlier".

All Might smiles and reaches out his hand  and ruffles Denki's hair but keeps in mind to make mention of Denki's little episode to Recovery girl later when he jogs back to the main building.

Midoriya tries to pet the black cat but the cat keeps moving its face away from Midoriya's scarred hand which makes Denki lets out a genuine hearty laugh at Midoriya's disappointed look.

Midoriya gives a soft smile to Denki. But Denki does not take notice of it instead continues to stare at the black cat who now was purring in its sleep in content.

Denki holds the black cat tightly before running back to the dormitory he turns to look at the master and pupil and  says while conjuring up a faux smile, "See you at the dorms Midoriya-kun and bye toshinori-san".

All Might watches the fragile boy disappear from his sight before he says quietly to himself, "That cat is acting like a bridge".

His pupil hears it with wide green eyes and asks, "Eh!? what do you mean All Might-san?".

All Might trembles slightly, "I can't tell you Midoriya Shounen It's a bit complicated but please do keep an eye on Kaminari Shounen".

This time I will protect them I won't be a coward Where stories live. Discover now