Denki needed some time ponder around with his thoughts. A lot has happened with him.Right now he had a Heroic Class but instead of attending it he was standing on the ledge of the roof railing of the school building
He did not worry about falling down as he had on his hero costume and his lucky wing red boots.
He slowly walks on the ledge while singing. He always sang whenever he was confused.
🎵The story which has begun to revolve at full speed
Dyes the earth red
The globe is an empty paradise
Let's save it with our hands
The endlessly continuing sloping road
Now, with all your heart, run far away on it!
Stand up! The hero is within me
There's no way I can lose to the towering target🎵Denki had closed his eyes while he continued with his singing. He trusted in himself that he would not fall and continues walking along the ledge of the railing.
🎵I have to protect the dreams that seem broken
Stand up! The hero is within me
There's no way I can lose to the towering target
Blaze up! My heartbeat is burning up my chest
I'm going to take back the forgotten tomorrow
Start a hot battle🎵Denki felt warm hands circling around his waist and hoisting him down as gently as possible from the edge so he did not panic in the fright and slip down on the concrete floor down below him.
Denki goes rigid at the unknown hands and hears a hot breathing voice against his ear, "You definitely are a hero in your heart sunshine but you have some kind of sick satisfaction on keeping everyone worried on their toes. Do you?".
Denki goes red at Bakugou Katsuki's words and closeness.
Denki immediately turns around and pushes himself away from Bakugou but only for Bakugou to tighten his hands around his delicate waist.
The ash blonde boy clicks his tongue. The lights of the roof flicker slightly due Denki quirk malfunction.
Behind Bakugou Katsuki Denki notices Kirishima Erijiou letting out a sigh of relief by placing his hand on his chest and Iida Tenya stood next to him looking pale while his gloved hand clutches tightly around his heart area like he was going to have a freaking aneurysm.
Then Denki realises why his friends were behaving in such an erratic manner. They thought he was going to jump from the ledge!?.
He needed to clear this misunderstanding otherwise they would move around him like mother hens.
Denki starts failing his hands while stammering with a bright red face, "Iida- kun you got the wrong idea! I wa-". Eek Denki shrieks as his body gets thrown over Bakugou's shoulder as the Ash blonde boy clicks his tongue again and starts marching out of the roof and down the stairs while stomping his feet aggressively.
Denki sends a silent plea of help look towards Kirishima Erijiou who was walking behind Bakugou.
Kirishima gives him a sorry look and says, "I am sorry Kaminari-kun but this Bakubro".
While Iida Tenya walked in his robotic manner while mumbling to himself incessantly
"Howcouldihaveignoredttosesuicidalbehavioursignsinmyfragilefriendimustdosomethingforhim".Denki sweat drops at Iida's scary mumblings.
Denki lets himself be carried like that to the gamma gym like that the whole way like a sack of potatoes but hides his face with the hooded cape as he felt cheeks were still rosy red.
Bakugou kicks open the big doors of the gym building and walks in all the Class 1-A students stop with their training and sweat drop on how Bakugou was carrying their fragile friend like a sack of potatoes on his strong shoulder.

This time I will protect them I won't be a coward
FanfictionDuring the final war arc Kaminari Denki gets hit in the head and wakes up in his 14 year old body two months before his UA entrance exam and vows to protect his friends by supporting them as a side character from the side lines but he does not real...