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The next day, Denki's phone starts pinging incessantly with messages.

Denki groans in sleep and pushes his face into the cold pillow  and curls in his sleep and waits for his phone to stop pinging but it doesn't stop instead he keeps on receiving messages.

Then, in his sleepy state he tries to search for his phone but feels only empty space near his bed.

'That's odd his phone was always on the right side of his bedside'. .

Then yesterday's incidents of memory came back with full force.

Denki's eyes fly open with fright. His vision is still clouded from sleep and he shakes his head to wake himself up.

Denki felt his neck scar was burning and choking him at the same time. The intense pain makes him whimper.

Like a wounded animal, he tries to pull on  the bandages carefully wrapped around his delicate slender neck.  This movement causes the  heart machine to start making a beeping sound now.

Denki's eyes frantically dart round the empty cold white room before falling on the empty flower vase on the left side stand.

With no thought, Denki jumps out from his bed and his cold feet touches the cold tiles of the hospital making him wince but in a dazed state, he  grabs the empty vase and smashes it onto the ground and grabs the largest glass shard piece and drags it along the delicate and sensitive skin of his thigh.  Then, starts dragging the shard more deeply along the skin. 

It felt cold and nice to see the blood trickle down his thigh and he felt an odd sense of satisfaction on seeing the  blood droplets falling down on the white polished floor.

Denki stares emotionlessly at the blood falling on the ground.

He needed to 'cleanse himself'.

His  blood was dirty and impure and touched by the cruel hands of the world.

Seeing the blood slowly pooling beneath his feet made him  light-hearted for some odd reason and he groans at the realisation of what he has done.

Then, Denki in his confused state feels some type of cloth wrap around his waist pulling him away from the glass shards.

He did not hear anyone enter the room.

Who was it? Why is everything moving so slowly. Why does his mind feel stuffed with cotton?.

Denki languidly tries to touch the cloth material with his hand and whispers softly, "Eraserhead".

Before becoming unconscious, he feels something cold inserted into his neck like a needle? A sedative to calm his nerves maybe?.

This time I will protect them I won't be a coward Where stories live. Discover now