He's A Married Man

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That's Autumn in the picture

Autumn's POV

"C'mon lets go" I rolled my eyes at my best friend, Kayla, and smiled. Staring at myself in the mirror one last time before grabbing my keys and leaving the house, Kayla running behind me.

•~•~•~•~• AT THE BAR •~•~•~•~•

There was a lot of people, like a lot, you can't even walk straight because you'll eventually get pushed by some person.

I sighed in relief when I made it out and order my drink. They are fucking animals.

The bartender gave me my drink and left.

"Just get me a vodka" I heard a deep voice tell the bartender, he nodded and quickly gave it to the guy that was sitting next to me. He gulped down the drink before slamming it on the floor.

I slightly jump and moved a little so I wouldn't be close to him. The bartender didn't looked bother he just sighed and called someone over to clean it.

The guy stood up and stumble a little, he tripped and his whole body came to me. I squealed a little feeling my body and his come in contact with the floor.

"I'm so sorry, I'm not in the best-" he cut himself as he stared down at me. I rubbed the back of my head and looked up at him.

He had gorgeous blue eyes, his plump lips looked so warm and soft, his jawline, cheekbones, skin everything about him seem so perfect.

I thought that he was slightly different from any other guys I've met before but boy was I wrong.

He's A Married Man | Andy Biersack | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now