Chapter Two: Donghae

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The scent of sweat was flooding the whole practice room as Donghae was dancing. He was practicing and dancing to Super Junior's songs all day all night because he will be the new member, starting tomorrow he will join activities with Super Junior members.

"Hyung!" Ten called him. Ten is Donghae's younger brother. He is also a trainee, but unlike his older brother, Ten was still far from debuting.

"Dont tire yourself too much hyung," he asked of him "I know youre debuting tomorrow but this is too much," he added.

Donghae then stopped the music and sat down to eat the tacos their mother made them. "Mom's tacos are still the best right?" Donghae asked.

"Of course Hyung!" the younger answered.

"How do you feel now? im sure youre nervous, but anyhing more?" he asked.

"Yes, but its actually beyond nervous. I heard the members disapproved of me, but Leeteuk hyung managed to pursue them," He confessed.

"Everything's gonna be alright hyung dont worry."

The next day finally came, Donghae woke up earlier than usual. His things are already packed and ready to move to his new dorm. He felt mixed emotions. He went inside the bathroom and washed himself. Hes not using the train this time, because he will be picked up by SJ's manager. He dressed like a normal person but then prince manager came in suddenly.

"This is not idol material boy, change it."
He wore sweatpants and a shirt, topped with a snapback. "but hyung.." he protested. "Just do as i say you'll be fine dont worry" he consoled him.

So then Donghae changed, he felt different. Different than before. He felt like a real idol. He wore a black shirt, black pants and white shoes. On top of his shirt is an expensive black leather jacket. Prince then tossed a black beanie.

"See? now thats better," prince said as he looked from top to bottom.

The two conversed as they go on the road to the company building. He knew what personalitites each member has, what they like and not. Inside Donghae's head is pure worries. He was worried on what others will think of him. Finally the time has come, Donghae hopped off the van and he was warmly greeted by his soon to be fans.

"Oppa youre so handsome!" one blurted out. He smiled and waved to them. He left a good impression.

"Not bad huh?" prince whispered him. He felt happy that the fans showed ethusiasm not the opposite.

"Hello guys! My name is Lee Donghae and ill be your new member soon" he introduced. Fans shouted his name and called him 'the cool guy' plenty of times.

"Look after me okay?" he joked and the fangirls gave him nods and smiles.

Meawhile, When that was happening. Eunhyuk happened to be watching it all. "Lee Donghae huh?" He thought.

EUNHAE Series: Fated To Love You (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now