Chapter Sixty Three: Destructive Favours

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[Author's Note: Hello guys! Im here again to inform you we're at the climax now which means the end is coming soon :( Ive written the ending already :( We have more chapters before end dont worry! ^^ -Littleblueelf]

That night, Super Junior came back to their dorm late. But the fans are still waiting for them outside their dorm.

"When will they come?" Hyerim nagged as her eyes was fixated on the road.

"Soon, dont worry," Hyerim said while fanning herself, "Jaekyung-ah! Are they still at the building?" she asked Jaekyung.

"Yeah," she pouted and nodded, "Theres no updates yet so, no," she added.

"Oh my god, it makes me nervous whenever theres a blind item," Soohyun said when she opened a blind item article on her phone.

"What does it say?!" Jaekyung leaned closer and checked it out.

"Idol A and Idol B are spotted in a private party. Idol A had a photoshoot, while Idol B just came for the party," Soohyun read the article out.

"Yikes," Hyerim was disgusted.

"Idol A was reported to be shooting album jackets at the resort," Soohyun gasped when she realized Super Junior and SNSD both attended a private party at a resort where Super Junior members shot their album jackets.

"Could it be..." she paused.

"Whats up with you?" Jaekyung asked her.

"Remember when our Oppas shot their album jackets at that one resort?" She told Hyerim and Jaekyung.

"OH. MY. GOD." Jaekyung paused because she realized as well.

"It couldnt be.." Hyerim gasped.

"!!!" Jaekyung stood up and slammed her sign down.

"Calm down Jaekyung!!" Soohyun held her and sat her down, "Lets wait until they reveal it!" She added.

"Better not be one of our oppas or ill freaking swear.."

"Calm down, lets wait for now," Hyerim soothed her two friends.

"OPPAAAAA!!" One of the fans yelled when her eyes spotted Super Junior's vans coming.

The members alighted and said their greetings to the fans.




Each and everyone of them yelled their favourites' name.

"Go home now its going to be cold," Donghae said while walking towards the entrance of the building.

The members are finally home after such a long day at the practice room.

Everyone did their own things, but Donghae spotted Heechul looking down the window and he looked like hes thinking deeply.

"Hyung? You ok?" Donghae asked the older.

"The articles are out.." Heechul said in a sad tone.

"Articles of what?" Donghae asked again.

"Taeyeon and me kissing.." He sighed.

"Did they know it was you?" He asked him once again, "That was a long time ago though, it was just a drunken mistake," Donghae was worried of his Hyung.

"No..but they will..soon" tears ran down Heechul's cheek.

"Donghae..i know im thick skinned so ill say this anyway, please help me..." Heechul stood up and walked towards Donghae.

"Tell me how hyung.." Donghae said with a heart full of sincerity..




Super Junior's newest member was seen kissing with Kim Taeyeon in a club near where Super Junior members were shooting their album jackets. The rookie locked his lips with a veteran girl group member during a private party.

Taeyeon was also reported to be dating a labelmate, is it possibly Donghae?

How can Donghae do this just after joining Super Junior? He should be careful next time.

comment's section:

+Hes pathenic!!

+What a nice way to put a dent to Super Junior's name!!


+You should die you asshole!

+You dont have the authority to kiss Taeyeon's lips you pervert!

+I was visiting my aunt at SM last time and I saw them at the cafeteria. No wonder it felt weird ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

"This is bad.." Sungmin said to himself as he read the freshly posted article the next morning.

"What are you looking at?" Eunhyuk dropped down beside him and looked.

"Fuck.." Eunhyuk said right after seeing the article, "Wheres Donghae? WHERE IS HE?!?!" Eunhyuk stood up and went inside their room, but Donghae was nowhere to be found.

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