Chapter Seventy Eight: Masked Man

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Before his work starts, Donghae walked around the city.

"Ive been inside for 2 weeks, its the first time I actually looked around," he said to himself happily.

He felt healed, but he never really moved on.

A huge weight in his heart was taken away and he felt much lighter that he can breathe again.

He still cant forget Eunhyuk whom he left hanging.

Since he told him dont look for him, Donghae was assured he can move on when time comes.

He even thought of reciprocating Jessica's feelings so he can move on.

But hes a better person so he didnt.

He was walking along main street when he dropped his wallet.

He picked it up and his peripheral vision saw a man hiding behind the newspaper stand as if he was following him.

Donghae ignored it and continued walking.

He went inside starbucks and ordered a frappucino.

"Sir your card is declined,"

"What?!" Donghae gasped.

He was sure he paid his credit card before he left Korea.

"Use this," a voice behind him handed a card to the cashier.

Donghae turned around and saw a man wearing a mask.

Only his eyes were showing, his whole face is completely buried under a mask and a hat.

"Oh...thank you," Donghae said.

He was scared to death.

He didnt know that guy.

When he got his drink he rushed out of starbucks and walked away from the place as fast as he can.

He looked back and he saw the masked man following him!

Donghae ran to the back alley and hid behind the gigantic garbage bins.

"What the heck is that?!" He panted, "Shoot," Donghae swore when he saw his frapuccino spilled.

It also left a trail leading to him!

"You," The masked man panted, "Stay still!" He yelled!

The man catched his breath and finally took off his hat.

"I swear you probably had a track and field background," he panted while taking his hat off.

Then it struck him.

Could it be?

The only person who said he had a skill of a trackstar was Eunhyuk.

He looked at the man's eyes and then...he confirmed.

"Eunhyuk?" Donghae stood up behind the trash and walked upfront.

The man laughed then he took his mask off revealing his face.

"Hey," Eunhyuk smiled at him.

Donghae was overwhelmed. He froze infront of Eunhyuk because he was surprised.

He found himself walking closer towards Eunhyuk and wrapping his arms around him.

Eunhyuk also embraced him and brushed his hair.

They missed each other that they could just die.

"Whats wrong with this boy," Eunhyuk giggled, "Leaving without saying goodbye," he added.

"Im sorry," Donghae's voice cracked then he started crying.

"Its okay," Eunhyuk stroked his hair, "Im here now," he added, "I miss you."

"Me too," Donghae sobbed.

"Hey," Eunhyuk pulled away and cupped his face, "No matter what Jihyun said, dont believe her," he assured him.

"I got back together with her because I thought I still love her, but it turns out it was just pity," Eunhyuk told him, "The one I love, is standing here right infront of me," he smiled.

"Youre like my sun, you light up my whole world," Eunhyuk smiled shyly.

Donghae felt mixed emotions.

"Dont think about anyone or anything, right now its just you and me," Eunhyuk stared into his eyes, "It will always be JUST you and me," he smiled.

"No Jihyun, no scandals, no anythings," he laughed.

"Youre making me look like an idiot!" Donghae wiped his tears as he cried more.

He realized his stupid decisions.

He shouldnt have left Eunhyuk.

The man's feelings for him was greater than he imagined and he failed to see that and just left.

He was blinded by his own feelings that eventually led him to leave everything including Eunhyuk.

But now, he felt even lighter than before.

He had Eunhyuk again.

At that moment he realized, his dream is standing right infront of him.

He never really lost it when he was dropped out of the group, it was there all along, It was EUNHYUK.

Eunhyuk meant the world to him and Eunhyuk feels the same way towards him too.

"You idiot!" Eunhyuk lightly punched his arm.

"Stop saying that!" Donghae walked away.

"All that drama so stupid! With the leaving for canada things, video messege shenanigans, soooo dumb," Eunhyuk walked right behind him and teased him.

"Whatever im leaving you here!" Donghae was embarassed with everything he did after he left.

"Freeloader! You just accepted money from a stranger!" Eunhyuk shouted then he ran towards Donghae, "This is bad,"

He was referring to the starbucks moment where he paid for Donghae's drink and he accepted it eventhough he was looking like a stranger.

"It was you so its fine!" Donghae told him.

"What if it wasnt me? You freeloader," he laughed.

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