Chapter Fifty Seven: Even smaller steps to you

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"Need a hand?" Donghae asked him when he recognized it was Eunhyuk.

He looked like he took his shirt off because he was just wearing his black tank top.

His arms are muscular and lines of grease are smeared all over his skin.

Eunhyuk turned around and was surprised.

"Wheres Jessica?" Eunhyuk asked in an instant.

"I kinda...left her.." Donghae murmured, "Hanging.." he said then he walked closer to Eunhyuk.

"You screwed up didnt you?" he asked again.


"If you offered help then help me!" Eunhyuk slid the wrench on the floor to Donghae.

Donghae held the wrench and smiled.

"Lets see what we have here," Donghae stood beside Eunhyuk and leaned as well.

Eunhyuk turned to Donghae who was focused on fixing the car.

He couldnt help his rapidly beating heart.

He bit his lips and turned his head away.

What is this Hyukjae...

Get your shit together

He said to himself.

"Its not the engine or anything," Donghae turned to him, "Its the battery," he added.

Donghae saw Eunhyuk looking away, he looked like he was zoning out.

"Hyung?" Donghae gripped his shoulders.

"Oh!" Eunhyuk was surprised and shoved Donghae's hand away from him.

"Are you okay?" he asked Eunhyuk.

"Y...yeah..Yeah im good," he brushed his bangs, "So what were you saying?" Eunhyuk licked his lips.

"Oh...uh...the battery," Donghae found Eunhyuk staring at him.

The two paused and stared at each other's eyes.

Donghae found Eunhyuk's eyes beautiful.

Eunhyuk broke the momentum and turned back.

Donghae turned back as well, he was trying to hide his warming up face. He pressed his hands against his cheeks and he felt his heart racing.

"Lets just leave the car here and come back for it tomorrow," Donghae said in rapid fire, "I dont have a jumper in my car right now so lets leave it for now and come back later," he added.

"Why are you facing back?" Eunhyuk finally mustered up courage and faced forward.

Donghae turned around then after.

"Because you turned around," Donghae said.

"When did I?" Eunhyuk said then he closed the hood and grabbed his things. He then walked towards Donghae's car.

"Hes so childish, Where are you going?" Donghae followed closely behind him.

"To your car, idiot," Eunhyuk answered him.

"My car why?" Donghae asked again.

"Really? Donghae?" Eunhyuk turned around and crossed his arms.

He couldnt believe how slow Donghae was in taking the whole situation in.

"My car broke down and you have a fixed one, were staying at the same hotel and coincidentally in the same floor, What do you think?" Eunhyuk helped Donghae who looke like a stupid idiot, but he found that cute.

EUNHAE Series: Fated To Love You (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now