Chapter Fifty: Day 3

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Day 3.

Its their last day at the Villa and they chose to stay in and just relax with each other. They will be leaving at 12am to catch a plane to Japan for a concert.

"Im always excited to meet overseas fans!" Kyuhyun exclaimed.

"They give the most expensive gifts! Its no joke! Last year Eunhyuk got an expensive watch from them," Ryeowook told Donghae.

"It sounds exciting!" Donghae smiled.

"Donghae! did you use my charger last night?" Eunhyuk asked Donghae.

"I didnt but I saw it under your bed," he answered.

"What happened to you guys?" Ryeowook asked him.

"We decided to be friends," Donghae answered with a smile.

"Good for you two," Ryeowook patted Donghae's back.

"By the way, are you excited to go abroad?" He asked Donghae.

"Yeah! Its my first time!" Donghae answered.

"It will be so much fun! You'll enjoy the concert!"

"Im looking forward to it!"

"You definitely should!"


Night cracked and everyone was ready.

The members were sad to leave the Villa and promised that they will come back to relax again.

They hopped on the vans and went on their way to the airport.

"Hyung how do i look?" Kyuhyun asked Ryeowook.

"You look cool!" Ryeowook smiled at Kyuhyun then he turned to Donghae and he saw something ominous!

Donghae was just wearing sweatpants and a shirt!

"Oh my god, Hyung! Why do you look like that?!" Ryeowook examined his outfit, "This isnt airport fashion!" He added.

"Its your first time you should be looking bomb Donghae," Yesung showed him a thumbs up, "And those wont do," he added.

While inside the van, the two styled Donghae and he looked cool and handsome at the same time!

They arrived at the airport and Donghae was surprised to see all the press waiting for them to depart.

They arrived at the airport and Donghae was surprised to see all the press waiting for them to depart

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As they were crossing the road, flashes of camera flooded Donghae's sight.

On the sides, are their fans waving goodbye to them.

When they entered the airport, everything finally calmed down. The media werent allowed to go further inside the airport.

"Hows the first airport fashion? Feeling like a fashionista already?" Siwon laughed as he walked with him.

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