Chapter Four: My Little Surprise 2

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"Kyuhyun tell the others to go home and we'll have a welcoming party for Donghae," Eunhyuk told Kyuhyun.

"But hyung theyre already on their way here and Donghae hyung is just outside," he protested.

"It'll be better when we show him that we greeted him warmly right?" he pursued Kyuhyun.

"Alright then," Kyuhyun pulled out his phone and texted the members to come to the dorm for a party.

"Lets go now," Eunhyuk grabbed Kyuhyun's shoulders and pushed him out of the room. They left via fire exit.

"You sure hyung?" kyuhyun asked him once again.

"Of course i am, when did i go wrong?" he asked.

"The moment you were born ugly thats when" kyuhyun told him off.

"You little!" Eunhyuk gave Kyuhyun a smack on his head.

"Wow geez! cool down ugly duckling" he teased. Kyuhyun always bullied his hyungs because thats the way he knows how to show that he loves them. They laughed as they go on the car, telling jokes and planning for Donghae's party.

When they arrived at the dorm, Leeteuk and Yesung was hanging up streamers, Shindong and Ryeowook are cooking food, Siwon, Kangin, are cleaning up and Heechul is preparing Donghae's bed. Everyone was busy preparing for Donghae except Sungmin who was on the phone with his girlfriend, Saeun.

"Hey! hyung stop using your phone! help us!" Siwon shouted.

"Ill wash up first okay?" Sungmin told him and headed upstairs.

"Get it together Yesung-ah stop looking at Ryeowook!" Leeteuk told Yesung.

"Whos looking at who? psh" he answered.

Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun arrived at the dorm. Eunhyuk's phone rang and it was prince manager calling. He stepped out.

"Where are you? we're here already," prince said.

"Kyuhyun and i fought he walked out and im looking for him right now."

"Youre seriously killing me, ill help you im on my way."

"Im at the shopping mall where Kyuhyun usually goes" Eunhyuk added.

Eunhyuk returned and told the others "Donghae said we can start the party before he arrives lets go!" Eunhyuk said.

"You have his number?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Of course i do," he smirked. The boys partied until they were drunk, all of them are except for Eunhyuk. SNSD's manager who happened to be Eunhyuk's friend joined the party. "Go get Donghae, hes at the company building," SNSD's manager asked him. Eunhyuk took his keys and drove out.

On the road, Eunhyuk didnt have a single thought of picking up Donghae. He went to Han River instead to relax.

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