Chapter Eighteen: The Proposal Part 2

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Eunhyuk's Point of View:

Proposal? Why is Sungmin asking him instead of me?


I dont really care much.

But I do see a chance here *smirk*

"What the hell are you doing there?"


*turns around*



Its Teuk hyung!

He sat down beside me and looked at Donghae and Sungmin.

What the hell is this hyung!!

"Whats up?" he looked at them curiously

Ah fuck it....

"Im just picking..."


OH! There!!

"this up," I stood up as I held a piece of paper on my hand.

"Okay!" Teuk hyung stood up and walked away



"Hello?" Donghae answered his phone.

"Its me,"

"Oh! Sungmin hyung!" Donghae exclaimed. "Are you there yet?" he asked.

"Yeah, everything is ready!"

"Okay! Ill head there later since i need to drive by the house to get the chocolates from the fridge," Donghae told his hyung.

"Okay! Be careful okay?" Sungmin told him and hung up.

Donghae finished his advertisement meeting and went straight home.

When he arrived he quickly grabbed the chocolates and went on his way.

Donghae was curious on how does the chocolates look like. He wanted to see how a chocolate present of someone that is inlove made for their special someone.

"When will I find my special someone? Is that person really going to come? Maybe not, since im very busy right now," Donghae thought.

He opened the box and one piece of chocolate was missing!

"OH GOD" Donghae panicked!

"Its just one chocolate she wouldnt notice it!" Donghae said to himself to make him feel better atleast.

Cold sweat was rushing out of him as the four wheels take him to his destination.

When he arrived, The lights was off and he saw Saeun enter the venue.

She looked very pretty! Donghae's jaws dropped at the sight of such fairy!

Donghae quickly hovered beside her as she entered the venue.

She was shocked so she tried to break away.

"Relax miss," He assured her.

Donghae handed the box of chocolates to her and he could see her smile because of the moonlight through the windows.

When they arrived at the finely set up table, there was Sungmin standing beside it.

She looked at Donghae and smiled then she went up to her beloved and hugged him tight.

Donghae bowed at the two, he wished them a wonderful night silently.

"Thank you" Sungmin mouthed at him with a smile.

Donghae walked away and he was able to breathe again! He held his breathe the whole time because of nervousness. He was happy because he successfully did Sungmin's favour.

Donghae went on ahead and headed home with a big smile on his face.


At the dinner table, Saeun and Sungmin opened the box of chocolates together.

"Wow! You ate 2 already?!" Sungmin smiled.

"Did i?" Saeun smiled and held his hand.

She looked at Sungmin and he found him looking at her mouth as she eats the chocolates.

"Is there anything wrong?" she asked.

"Well..." Sungmin said with a sigh

"She already ate the one where I placed the ring. Where is it? Why isnt she spitting it out? What happened? Is it Donghae? Or she accidentaly swallowed it? Shit. How could you do this to me Donghae. I trusted you," Sungmin said in his head.

"Baby?" she asked "Whats wrong?" she was worried.

"Nothing!" he smiled.

Deep inside of him was a mixture of disappointment and anger towards Donghae. But he didnt know if its right, but who would he blame? Saeun?

EUNHAE Series: Fated To Love You (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now