Chapter Eighty: First and Last Super Show?

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"What do you think youre doing?!" Prince half whispered and half shouted at him while walking under the stage.

"I was jus--"

"Do you realize what you just did?!" Prince wasnt angry, he was worried.

They finally got backstage and Prince released Donghae from his hold.

"What were you doing?!" Prince asked him.

"Eunhyuk asked me if I want to perform with them again so I said ye--"

"Do you realize how the company will react?!" Prince scolded him, "Youre not in the group anymore! They'll be furious!"

"Im sorry Hyung.."

The second song finally came to an end, Donghae can hear the music slowly fade and as it fades away, he heard the fans.


Prince looked at the pitiful Donghae who couldnt perform with his group again.

"Do you want Donghae to come out again?!" They heard Leeteuk's voice.

"What is he doing?!" Prince ran to the soundteam and spoke through Leeteuk's earplugs.

"What are you doing?!" Price asked him.

"Right now, the company is telling me to stop," Leeteuk said over the mic, "They dont want Donghae on the stage with us," he added.

"Cut it out Leeteuk! Proceed with the next song!"

"But we, dont agree with them right?" Leeteuk smiled and the fans went wild!

"Donghae! Come on out here!" Leeteuk shouted over the mic.

Prince looked at Donghae from afar and just gave up.

He tilted his head signaling Donghae to run out the stage.

Donghae charged and went out!


"Hello everyone!" Donghae smiled happily infront of his fans.

Soon enough, tears were running down his cheeks because he was overwhelmed by the love he recieved.

He cant believe that the fans still stood by him during his dark days when usually they would just abandon him.

Eunhyuk walked beside him and wiped his tears.

"See? What did I tell you," Eunhyuk smiled while wiping his tears.

"Dont do that I told you so thing with me," Donghae sniffed.

"I told you so," Eunhyuk said then he wrapped an arm around Donghae.

The fans roared when he did that! Eveyone was shipping them and it made them feel happy.

The rest of the concert was continued with Donghae.

Thank God the members remembered their choreography with Donghae so they proceeded with the concert smoothly.

While the dancimg to From U, Eunhyuk turned to Donghae and asked if hes ready.

"You ready?"

"Ready as Ill ever be," Donghae smiled.

The two walked out of the stage and waited for their cue.

It finally came, Donghae and Eunhyuk walked out of the stage and danced.

The fans's screams were uncontrollable as the two glided with each other.

(Skip to 0:12)

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