Chapter Seven: First Photoshoot

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The concept of Super Junior's come back album was summer. The members wore colorful and bright clothes complimenting their good skin tones. As usual, Eunhyuk was asked to be topless alongside Siwon who was also in good shape. As the other members were doing their individual shoot, Donghae went outside to catch his breath.

He couldnt believe that hes finally debuting. After his long practice hours, blood and sweat was shed for this very moment. He sat down and took a deep breath, he was about to stand up when he felt a tap on his shoulders, It was Leeteuk.

"Feeling like crying?" Leeteuk asked with a smile as he sat down beside Donghae.

"Yeah.." Donghae tried to smile.

"You know, youre very lucky," Leeteuk said, looking at the sky. "I envy you," he added.

"Me?" he asked him with a confused look on his face.

Donghae was confused. How can they envy a man who is just starting his career? Theyre already very famous, more famous than he is, but why are they envious?

"When we started, it was crazy. People were shocked to see such group with a dozen members," Leeteuk said "People said nasty things about us, we cried alot of times," he added.

"I got to a point where i wanted to give up, but i didnt..." he smiled "because my members also shared the same dream as i did, i didnt want them to see their leader to just give up" he added.

"So i pushed and pushed, until i was able to get back on my own feet," Leeteuk looked down "When i look at my members, i thought.. i should work harder," he laughed.

Donghae looked at Leeteuk and smiled at him

"Hyung, whatever you have right now, you deserve it.." Donghae told his hyung "You worked your ass off for Super Junior and i will forever, be thankful for that.." he wrapped his arm around his hyung's shoulders.

"Thanks," Leeteuk sniffed.

"Eyyyyy! You look ugly when youre crying!" Donghae laughed.

"Lets go back in! Its almost your turn," Leeteuk stood up and walked inside. He stopped and looked at Donghae.

Donghae stood up and froze, he took a deep breath and walked with Leeteuk.


"Okay Siwon! I want you to strike a sexy pose okay?" photographer Han told him.

Siwon posed, his six pack abs added more appeal to the picture.

"Okay, Donghae standby!" the photographer said as he sat down to check Siwon's photos.

At the right moment, Donghae walked in with Leeteuk.

"Hey, your turn" Leeteuk pointed at the set.

Donghae walked with nervousness. Hes not confident he can do well because its his first time. He stood in the middle of the set awkwardly.

"Loosen up bud!" Han told Donghae while he was still checking Siwon's photos.

The members went out to support Donghae, they cheered for him!

"Fighting hyung!!" Ryeowook cheered.

"Go go!" Kyuhyun encouraged.

"Okay, lets get down to business! Reflectors in position!" Han announced.

Donghae was just there, awkwardly standing still.

"Do something boy!" the photographer yelled at him.

He was startled, he was frozen as ice.

"Right! its photographer Han!" Yesung said with a sigh. "Poor Donghae, why did we make him do this shoot!" Yesung looked down.

Photographer Han was indeed a very good photographer, but he really cant control his temper. He worked with lots of idols and their responses were the same. Hes good yet short tempered! No idol has never been friends with him except Eunhyuk. No one knew the reason how he did it, but they called it "Eunhyuk's Charm"

"Come on! Do something atleast!" he yelled again.

Donghae loosened his body and posed for the first time. His shirt was fit and Han had a good look at his torso. He walked towards Donghae and lifted his shirt.

The members were shocked to see Donghae's abs! His biceps and abs were built perfectly and they compliment each other! Photographer Han smiled.

"Take it off boy, i see something in you" he smiled again.

Donghae took his shirt off and posed like one of the models he saw on a magazine back then.

"SWEET!" Han yelled.

Donghae's shoot ended unexpectedly well. The members congratulated him on doing a good job.

"As Donghae's first photoshoot was done, President gave you guys a 3 day vacation here!" Prince annouced.

"F*CK YEAH!!" Heechul danced around with Kangin.

"Lets just go to our room, im tired." Eunhyuk said.

"Then go to your room and we'll party!" Heechul said with a scream.

Few moments later, the members went to their hotel rooms and prepared to go to the party. Eunhyuk unpacked and threw himself on the bed.

"Ill let you go today Lee Donghae because im tired," he said in his head then he went to sleep.


Few hours later, the members were partying hard. They were all drunk including the holy Siwon. Few celebrity friends were over to party with them. Donghae couldnt handle that much alcohol so he excused himself so he wont be more drunk eventhough he already was.

He went to their hotel room and he looked for water. He drank too much alcohol that he became thirsty. He found a water bottle and drank. He turned around when suddenly, someone was standing right behind him! Out of shock, Donghae spat a mouthful of water on that person and he passed out.

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