Chapter Twenty Nine: Why Cant We Be Friends?

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After the commercial shoot, Super Junior members resumed their comeback preparations. The storyboard of their music video was finished and everything was set for the filming dates of the comeback title song.

The song was already recorded, the choreography was perfected, all theres left to do is film the music video and unleash Super Junior's most awaited comeback and Donghae's anticipated debut!

Donghae's dream was finally on his reach. Being able to stand on stage and become one with the music. Alongside him, is people who shared the same dream. It couldnt get any better.

The night before the shoot, Prince talked to Donghae.

"Nervous?" Prince asked him.

"Yeah, Im more than nervous," he answered with a smile.

"I talked to the members,they may be not very vocal about this, but theyre very happy for you," Prince smiled.

"Yeah except," Donghae looked at his room's door, inside the room was Eunhyuk sleeping.

"Yeah, but hes fine," Prince crossed his arms "Hes just..well...adjusting," he laughed awkwardly.

"Hes the odd ball here," Donghae whispered and giggled at Prince

"I dont think you should have said that," Prince backed off a bit and was staring behind Donghae.

"Why? Cmon!" Donghae hrew soft punches at Prince.

Prince was still looking behind Donghae with a nervous look in his eyes.

Donghae turned around and saw the beast, with arms crossed and hot steam coming out of his nose.

"Hyung, I-"

"You ungrateful bastard!" Eunhyuk tried to grab Donghae.

He was angry, mad and pissed! But Donghae did not take him seriously.

Donghae ran and Eunhyuk was steaming he wanted to hit Donghae, but the man was just running around thinking it was a joke.

"I saved your life and you called me an odd ball?!" Eunhyuk said trying to catch Donghae to punch him.

"Hyung! Im Sorry!!" Donghae laughed while running.

Prince took his cellphone out and filmed the two running around the room. He couldnt stop smiling at them.

"Hyung! What the hell are you doing?! Arent you going to help me?!" Eunhyuk complained infront of his manager.

"Alright Alright!" Prince laughed and placed his phone down.

Eunhyuk and Prince both chased Donghae.


The same night....

"You shouldve seen her hyung she tripped running to me! I cant even laugh because shes elf and i feel bad but..BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!" Kyuhyun laughed uncontrollably.

"What sucks is i saw her face right before she fell down HAHAHAHAHAAHHA!" Eunhyuk laughed.

"Yah! Whats all this rave about?" Sungmin looked at the two, hes also laughing.


Out of the blue Sungmin started laughing along too! The three men were laughing all together.

Donghae who was cooking, walked out of the kitchen and took a look at them, whats up with his members?

He saw Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk and Sungmin crying and laughing their eyes out.

Donghae couldnt help but laugh along too! The laugh virus was strong that it infected him too!

The whole room was filled with laughter because of an ELF who tripped down. Yes it was mean, but Super Junior members loved ELF so much that they are able to laugh at each other. They loved each other so much that they loved each other's flaws.

The laughter resolved as Kyuhyun headed to his room while holding his hand against his aching tummy because of laughing.

All this time, Donghae didnt know why everyone was laughing. He was puzzled, he didnt even know why he laughed!

"Whats so funny?" Donghae asked Eunhyuk as he was walking towards him.

"You were laughing you should now," Eunhyuk took a 360 degree change in his mood. A smile was changed into a cold look.

Donghae paused and awkwardly smiled to himself.

"Oh..yeah...i should.." Donghae walked backwards with his hand clasped together.

"THE STOVE!!!!!!" Kyuhyun shouted when he saw the stove on fire!

Donghae ran in attempt to kill the fire!

Sungmin and Eunhyuk rushed behind him.

Kyuhyun fetched a bucket of water and handed it to Donghae.

The wall around the stove was covered in black.

The fire was successfully put out. Eunhyuk, Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Donghae was able to breathe normally now.

"Why did you leave the stove unattended?!" Eunhyuk pushed Sungmin aside and held Donghae by his collar. "Are you planning to kill us?!" He yelled at Donghae, he was furious.

"Eunhyuk cut it out!!" Sungmin broke them apart.

"That thing is a nuisance!" Eunhyuk yelled at Sungmin, he pointed at Donghae.

"Hyung...Im so sorr--"

"Donghae hyung lets go," Kyuhyun pulled Donghae to his room.

"You! You need to calm the hell down!" Sungmin yelled at Eunhyuk. "Its not his fault! Its an accident! No ones at fault here Eunhyuk!" He added.

"But he almost got us killed because of his irresponsible actions!" Eunhyuk argued.

"Eunhyuk! It was a stove fire! Its nothing big! Chill out!" Sungmin yelled.

"Whatever!" Eunhyuk stormed to his room.

"What will Teuk hyung say now.." Sungmin sighed looking at the two doors Donghae and Eunhyuk entered.

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