Chapter Sixty Two: Cafeteria

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Last night...

Hours after Eunhyuk took her home, Jihyun regained her head and began to realize Eunhyuk was there.

"Hyuk?" she said after she opened her eyes.

She saw Eunhyuk's black hair and his petite hands crossing each other as he lay his head over them. He was also semi naked so his broad shoulders caught her eyes.

"Oh.." Eunhyuk woke up, "You sober now?" he asked her.

"Mhm," she answered.

"I made soup for you," Eunhyuk stood up and showed her a tray of food that he made.

"You made it for me?" she smiled.

"Nope I made it for myself," Eunhyuk placed it down and ate a mouthful of soup.

"Hey thats mine!" she leaned over and snatched the spoon from him, "You made this for me so Ill eat it," she shoved a mouthful.

"Aigoo, you really like my cooking huh?" Eunhyuk grinned.

"You know, that confidence annoys me so much," she joked.

"I spent all night cooking that! Im hella tired! A simple thank you will do," Eunhyuk stood up and jumped on her bed!

"Aigoooo, you did well," she turned around and cupped the man's pouting face, "Thank you," she smiled then she kissed him.

"I cant hear you" Eunhyuk slid his hands around her waist and pulled her closer "I missed you," he smiled.

"The soup," she whispered into Eunhyuk's ears.

"Okay..bye," Eunhyuk tried to flee but she hugged him tight.

"Dont go!" she laughed as she was hugging him.

"Okay okay," he smiled then he brushed her hair.


So they got back together..

I thought hes moving on..

But I guess first love never really dies.


What happened?

All I know is shes the reason why he came back early.

He still values her just as much as he did before..

Enough to make him cross over the seas and run to her arms..

Why am I hurting?

I shouldnt be, right?

I should be happy but why am I feeling the bitterness?

Is there really a reason why he held my hand?

If he did then why did he..

Forget it..

Im probably just assuming..

He will never like me..

Im just a friend to him..


Why am I saying this anyway?

Its not like I like him or anything..

Why did I walk out anyways and went down here in the cafeteria?!

I should go back..

We cant waste practice time..


"Donghae Oppa!" someone from behind called Donghae whose head is all over the place.

He turned around and smiled in a flash, It was his good friend Taeyeon from SNSD.

"How are you?" Donghae said as he walked closer to her.

"Im good," she smiled, "So, you have practice today? I heard you guys are all over the practice room this afternoon," she laughed.

"Yeah, we need to run our choreography and fix things," he smiled.

"Did you hear about.." Taeyeon was about to speak but Donghae spoke right before she could finish her sentence.

"Jessica?" He guessed it right.

"Yeah," she confirmed.

"Im sure you had a reason," Donghae smiled.

"Thanks for understanding," Taeyeon smiled back.

"What the hell is this why are they smiling like that to each other?" Eunhyuk elbowed Heechul.

"I KNOW RIGHT," Heechul replied with his arms crossed.

"Look at that idiot, hes smiling like theres no end!" Eunhyuk narrowed his eyes and bit his lips.

"Taeyeon's smile annoys me so much, she should seriously stop," Heechul shot arrows at Taeyeon.

"She has a boyfriend Donghae! Leave her alone tch," Eunhyuk turned away and proceeded to the counter.

"Look at you Kim Taeyeon, you must be happy huh?" Heechul turned back as well.


After Donghae left the practice room, Eunhyuk couldnt stop thinking about him.

He was worried.

"Hyung, I wanna go to the cafeteria for a while," Eunhyuk raised his hands and asked Leeteuk if he could go.

"Sure, come back quickly," Leeteuk approved.

Thats right, Im going because Im hungry..

Not because hes there Tch,

Why would I go here for him?

Eunhyuk thought.

"Im coming too! Im gonna buy chips," Heechul happily skipped towards the door with his head swinging side to side.

When the two arrived at the cafeteria, their eyes caught Donghae and Taeyeon talking to each other.

"Hide hide!!" Eunhyuk gently pushed Heechul behind the stone pillars of the room.

Eunhyuk peeked, Heechul on the other hand peeked as well.

"Kim Taeyeon.." Heechul gasped.

"Lee Donghae," Eunhyuk narrowed his eyes as Donghae and Taeyeon smiled at each other.

EUNHAE Series: Fated To Love You (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now