Chapter Thirty Six: Leak

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"Soohyun, I finished recording the music sheet you sent me,"

"Omo?! Really?!" Soohyun exclaimed on her phone.

"I sent it to you already, have fun and take care of your mom for me okay?"

"Yes!" she said then she hung up.

"GIRLS! ITS HERE!! THE AUDIO!!!!" Soohyun turned to Hyerim and Jaekyung!

"Lets listen to it!!" they said in unison!

After five minutes, they finished listening to the song and they started screaming!!




They took the laptop and uploaded the song online.

Within five minutes, 10,000 downloads!

The comeback song was leaked to the world by the three girls.

"Oh my god! You guys are gods!"

"How did you even get this?! Are you close to our oppas?!"

"Yah! Delete this now! Oppas wont like this!"

"I wish I was one of them T.T"

The two girls were proud of themselves, they were the first fans who listened to the song.


Donghae woke up early, so he made breakfast for everyone. But they took so long to wake up so he ended up eating alone.

He was eating his taco when Prince came barging inside the dorm.

"Wake up! We need to head to the office!!" Prince woke the members as quick as he can,

"Why whats wrong?" Heechul who was naked on his bed asked Prince,

"Comeback song was leaked," he answered Heechul and his reaction was unexpected.


"Its our comeback song you idiot! Get up hurry up!" Leeteuk helped Prince.

Within an hour, the members were ready go.

Eunhyuk went to his desk and checked if his music sheets were still there. It was there, so he left.

"OPPA!! I HEARD THE SONG!!" The fans told them when they were heading outside the dorm,



Prince opened the car door and the members boarded one by one.

"I cant believe this," Kyuhyun massaged his head,

"How did this happen?" Sungmin asked the members,

"Its that night," Eunhyuk told them, "The night the sasaeng fans came in," he added.

"Its that night," Eunhyuk told them, "The night the sasaeng fans came in," he added

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"Huh? how?" Siwon asked him.

"Theres a possibility that they took pictures of my music sheets on my desk," he told everyone.

"Fuck," Heechul brushed his hair.

Donghae couldnt say anything. He believed it was his fault for letting the sasaeng fans in the dorm. It was his fault for being careless.

"Im sorry," Donghae lowered his head and tears ran out of his eyes

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"Im sorry," Donghae lowered his head and tears ran out of his eyes.

"This is your fault Donghae," Eunhyuk blamed him, "If it werent for your carelessness this wouldnt happen!" He vented out his anger to him.

The other members were silent, including Leeteuk who was convinced it was really Donghae's fault.

"Im sorry,"

"Sorry? How many times did I hear that?! You were never sorry! You keep on causing trouble for us!" he yelled at Donghae.

"Eunhyuk! Calm down!" Prince told Eunhyuk who was roasting Donghae infront of the members, "Lets go to the office first! Everyone shut up!" he added.

Donghae sobbed at the sides, he felt sorry for causing so much trouble.

"Its okay hyung, dont cry," Ryeowook comforted him.

"Hae, its okay stop crying," Leeteuk patted his back.

"Stop pacifying him. Youre making me look like a bad guy," Eunhyuk turned back and told them.

"Hyuk," Prince looked at him,

Eunhyuk face forward and didnt care about what Prince just said.

When they arrived at the office, their staff was all on their phones.

Theyre begging the media to take down the articles regarding the leak.

Donghae looked at the madness he thought he had brought upon everyone.

He felt really bad, he was angry at himself.

"Lets go," they went inside the CEO's office.

"Sir," Prince bowed at the CEO.

"We found the person who leaked it," He told the bunch,

"Wh..who is it?" Ryeowook asked.

"One of your fans, sasaeng fans to be exact," Sooman told the boys with his arms crossed, "She confessed she went inside your dorm and took pictures of Eunhyuk's music sheet," he added.

"Ill take down the articles before it spreads, for now dont worry about it, its okay," he told everyone, "Especially you Donghae, its okay," he smiled.

"Because of this matter, we will release the video tomorrow evening," he announced.

"What?! But its too soon!" Prince said.

"I know, but everything is ready," he said, "Dont worry Prince," he added.

"Looks like our fans got a tease from Donghae here!" Heechul smiled at Donghae.

Donghae was relieved, he was happy the issue got resolved quickly.

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