Chapter Thirty: Music Video Filming Part 1

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The next morning, the members headed to the shoot location. Its finally filming time for the music video!

While they were on the road, it was a very bumpy ride.

They were separated by 3 cars because they all couldnt fit in one car.

Yesung, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook and Donghae were in one car.

Donghae couldnt stand bumpy situations, he had headaches on the way.

Some time soon, Donghae threw up inside the van!

On his pants and shirt, there was puke all over!

The members dissolved around him and they moved further because they were disgusted.

"Ew!" Ryeowook hugged Yesung.

"You okay?" Prince asked him.

He nodded.

Donghae felt really sick, but because Eunhyuk was in the car. He acted tough.

"Your clothes are wet!!" Manager added. "Take it off before you started smelling like barf!" He added.

Donghae quickly took his shirt off and as expected his biceps are roaring!

He took his pants off revealing his thighs.

Dont worry, his underwear wasnt touched. He was completely bare except his underwear was on.

"Prince Hyung, where did you put m--" Eunhyuk turned back, he was seating at the front seat.

He saw Donghae's perfectly built body.

"Are you filming porn here?! Donghae put your clothes back on!" Eunhyuk stuttered with his face heating up.

Eunhyuk looked at Yesung and Ryeowook, they were covering their eyes.

He turned around and put the volume of the music at their loudest.

He shook his head and played with his phone.

They arrived at the venue and Donghae was still naked.

Theres no extra clothing on the van, but there is some at the shooting venue.

"Ryeowook, Yesung, Eunhyuk you guys go ahead," Prince ordered the three and they went on their way.

"Hey, ill go grab you clothes stay here!" If someone comes over, hide yourself okay? The windows are tinted so dont worry too much," Prince assured him then he exited the van then ran inside the building.

Donghae was left alone in the van only with his underwear on.

"KYAAAAAA! THE VAN IS HEREEE!!" A girl screamed then she ran to van.

She pressed her face against the tinted windows.

What would happen to Donghae now?!

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