Chapter Sixty: Ride Along

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While on their way home, Donghae fell asleep on the car.

His head was tossing and turning all over the place and Eunhyuk couldnt help but notice it.

"How is he not waking up?" Eunhyuk couldnt believe how deep Donghae was sleeping, "He mustve been tired," he added while stealing a glance at Donghae and back to the road.

He tried to ignore him, but he couldnt leave him be.

Eunhyuk pulled over the road and adjusted Donghae's seat. He leaned his head on the window and placed his handkerchielf in between Donghae and the glass.

As he was doing that, Eunhyuk noticed Donghae's petite sleeping face. He was calm and gentle looking at that moment.

His lips looked soft.

And the very way he breathes calmy made Eunhyuk lean closer.

He was trying to stop it but, Donghae was like a magnet. Its attracting Eunhyuk and he cant fight it.

He fell under Donghae's spell and he liked it.

At that moment, Eunhyuk just wanted to plant a sweet kiss on Donghae's lips.

He didnt care about anyone or anything, all he wanted at that moment was Donghae.

He ignored his head and just followed what his heart was saying.

He leaned closer and closer when....

Donghae suddenly woke up.

"Eunhyuk hyung?" Donghae opened his eyes and saw his lips centimeters apart from his.

"I---uh..." Eunhyuk leaned back on his seat, "Was trying to clean that spot," he said nervously.

"Oh.." Donghae was confused so he looked at the window and there was a dirty spot.

When they arrived at the hotel, they went down the parking lot.

They went back early enough not to miss their curfew.

"That was a fun day!" Donghae said as he closed the car door, "Dont you think?!" he exclaimed.

"It was okay," Eunhyuk answered.

"You sound like you didnt have fun," Donghae crossed his arms and pouted.

"With you around, fun is impossible," Eunhyuk said then he walked to the elevators.

"Wow....just wow," Donghae nodded and followed behind.

They arrived at 13th floor and there, they were welcomed by the guards.

"Oh! You guys are early," They saw Prince walking along the hallway.

"Yeah," Eunhyuk answered.

"It was a blast!" Donghae exclaimed.

"Wait, you went out together?" Prince paused.

"Yeah," Eunhyuk answered again.

"Ohhhh i see," Prince nodded, "Well then, go back to your rooms and change, the others should be back soon, we'll eat dinner downstairs," Prince informed them and left.

"Perfect! Im so hungry!"

"You just ate a hamburger before we left the park,"

"That was 3 hours ago!" Donghae pouted and went inside his room.

"Why is he getting angry geez," Eunhyuk placed his hands in his pockets and walked to his room.

When he got inside, he landed on his bed and closed his eyes, he was dead tired.

"Youve done alot today boy," he told himself while laying on his bed, "Too much though," he added then he sighed.


Few hours later, the rest of the members arrived at the dining hall.

"Look at you!" Prince smiled as he saw Shindong and Kangin wearing shirts from the arcade!

"It was lit! We played with locals and we were no match!" Kangin laughed.

"Oh! Sungmin hyung!" Ryeowook smiled upon seeing Sungmin and Saeun enter the dining hall.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" Saeun bowed before them.

"Yo yo wassup my brothers!" Heechul entered the room happily alongside Kyuhyun!

"Kyuhyun looks so busted!" Leeteuk laughed.

"Well," Kyuhyun smirked.

"If you go to the club in the morning who wouldnt get busted?" Kangin teased him.

"The club never sleeps," Heechul winked.

While eating dinner.....

"Heechul, get off your phone and eat properly," Leeteuk said from across the table.

"Sorry, On it," Heechul closed it and continued eating.

"So, Kyuhyun, anything interesting in the club?" Donghae asked Kyuhyun.

"Well, I didnt get drunk," Kyuhyun smiled mischievously.

"Thats really interesting! Mostly people get drunk in the club," Donghae was amazed.

"His tolerance is no joke," Heechul wrapped his arm around Kyuhyun's neck and shook him.

"Eyyyyy," Kyuhyun smiled.

"Anyways, we'll be heading back tomorrow morning," Leeteuk announced, "Then we have practice," he added.

"Aghhhhhhhh," Kangin growled, "Im so tired of thissss," he added.

"This is our living so try your best and keep up huh?" Heechul smiled at Kangin and he smiled back.

After dinner, the members went back to their respective rooms and rested for the rest of the night.


Donghae's Point of View.


I cant sleep...

Get out of my head...

Get out of my head Eunhyuk..

Why did he hold my hand? Why did he smile at me that way? Why did he take me to the park when he didnt really want to go in the first place?

All these thoughts are killing me..

Does he like me?

Shit, what was I thinking?

I mean why would I even think about that?!

I must be insane..

*buzz buzz*


Text messege from: Eunhyuk hyung


Did I just smile because he texted me?! Wake up Lee Donghae!

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