Chapter Eight: First Interview?

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Eunhyuk woke up in the middle of the night because he was sweating so much.

He felt hot and sticky so he got up and showered. The cold water soothed him as it runs through his body.

While inside the shower, Eunhyuk thought about the past. The cruel past Super Junior has gone through as a group.

During those times, they were in pain, all of them. Donghae cant just barge in and ignore all their hardwork.

Thanks to them Donghae had a smooth debut.

After his shower session, Eunhyuk went outside to drink water. Right then, he saw Donghae going through his things.

"What the.." Eunhyuk stopped drying his hair.

Donghae took his water bottle and drank from it as if it was his. Eunhyuk walked closer, he was pissed. Donghae placed his water bottle down and turned around. He was surprised to see Eunhyuk so he spat water to his face! Right after that, Donghae passed out.

Eunhyuk ran to the bathroom because he was dripping wet. He was pissed because he was just done showering and he wore new clothes, but Donghae just has to ruin everything.

"How dare him.." Eunhyuk said to himself then he took off his shirt.

Donghae was on the floor near the kitchen and Eunhyuk didnt have any intentions on helping him go to his room. Instead of helping him, he took his bag and headed into his room.


The next morning, Donghae couldnt remember a single thing about what happened last night.

His head was hurting so he went out to buy medicine. Little did he know, there was paparazzis waiting for him to come outside.

Donghae casually walked alone when the paparazzis started running towards him. He was frozen, as if his feet couldnt move. He was scared, but he couldnt move!

The paparazzis crashed into him and they were all over the poor rookie.

"DONGHAE HOW WAS THE PARTY?!" a male paparazzi asked.


They were pushing each other making Donghae squished right in the middle.

All that he wanted was to just buy medicine for his headache, but here he is being ganged up by the paparazzis.

Donghae tried to move forward but he couldnt move, the paparazzis locked him in.

"Please stop, i just want to get medicine," Donghae said.

No one head him above all the paparazzis asking him questions.

"DONGHAE ANSWER ME!!" a paparazzi said then he threw his shoes at Donghae's head. He wanted his attention.

Donghae was in pain after the man threw that shoes. He placed his hand on his head and rubbed it.

"Please stop..let me go please," Donghae asked with tears. The paparazzis didnt see him cry because he was looking down. He felt like a helpless lamb inside a lion's den.

"HEY! HEY!! CUT IT OUT!!!" Prince managers barged in the circle.

The sight of a scared Donghae made him more angry at the paparazzis.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE! ILL CALL THE POLICE!!" Prince threatened them.

The paparazzis took a step back and Donghae could finally breathe.

"Hyung help.." Donghae called out quietly.

Prince grabbed Donghae and took him inside the hotel. Donghae was in so much pain, he had a headache and that shoe made it more worst.

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