Chapter Twenty Five: Dorm Break In

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Outside the restaurant, there were sasaeng fans waiting for the boys.

Sasaeng fans are known to be super obsessed with idols. Although they are fans, they are the type of fans who can go to the extent of breaking inside their idols' dorm.

When Donghae walked out of the restaurant, He was quickly spotted by a bunch of sasaeng fans and they followed him.

Donghae was walking alone but he felt someone was watching him.

"Hello?" Donghae looked back.

He turned forward and kept on walking.

When he reached the dorm, Donghae ran to Yesung's bedroom and quickly grabbed his wallet.

He was about to leave when he saw the front door open, he was certain he closed it when he came in.

"Weird," he said then he opened the door and locked it from the outside.

He left the building and went back to the restaurant where the members were.


"HYERIM!! ITS EUNHYUK'S SHIRT!" Jaekyung exclaimed then she held up Eunhyuk's shirt.

"OMO! LET ME SMELL IT!! ILL STEAL IT HEHEHEHEHE" Hyerim giggled and grabbed the shirt from Jaekyung.

"So Donghae and Eunhyuk oppa are room mates now," Soohyun sat on Donghae's bed. "Donghae oppa is so clean! It makes me love him more!" Soohyun smiled and slammws her body down on Donghae's bed.

"OH GOD! ITS THEIR COMEBACK SONG!!!!" Jaekyung screamed!

"What are you doing?!?!?!?! Take a picture of it quickly!"

"DO IT!!!"

Jaekyung took shots of the lyrics placed on Eunhyuk's desk.

"Ill go to my uncle tomorrow so he can sing it for us OMG we'll be the first fans to hear it!!" Soohyun exclaimed.

"After that we brag to other fans WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

The girls laughed in unison.

Not only they stormed Eunhyuk and Donghae's room, but also the other members' rooms.

They took shirts, underwears, even toothbrushes! No one was there to stop them.

"Lets leave our letters on their beds okay?" Soohyun ordered the girls.

They gave each members three letters each, one from each of them. After that, they quickly left the dorm.

As the night deepens, Super Junior members headed home. They had to carry Prince Manager back to the dorm because he was too drunk!

Eunhyuk led the group and opened the doors. When he opened the front door he smirked.

"HEY THE FRONT DOOR IS LEFT OPEN!" Eunhyuk told the members

"WHAT?!?!??!?!" Leeteuk rushed to him and entered the dorm "Search inside!" Leeteuk ordered the members.

They quickly followed him and searched the dorm.

When Siwon entered his room, he found 3 letters on his bed.

"Hyung!" Siwon called his members.

Everyone rushed to him.

"Its sasaeng fans," Leeteuk sighed.

"But how did they get in?" Kangin asked.

Yesung looked at Donghae, then the other members looked at him too.

"I didnt let anyone in! I swear! I was alone when I came in!" Donghae tried to save himself.

"Are you sure?" Shindong asked him.

"You didnt feel anything weird when you left the restaurant?" Heechul asked him too.

"When I left the restaurant.....I did feel like someone's following me.."

All the members sighed and looked down.

"Did you leave the door open when you came in?" Leeteuk asked him.

Donghae was shaking. He was scared and embarassed of himself. He wanted to hide in a shell and never come back because he was ashamed.

"When I got Yesung hyung's wallet, I was about to leave when...." Donghae looked down "The door was suddenly opened when im pretty sure I closed it when I came in.." Donghae was in the verge of tears.

On the sides, Eunhyuk was just watching the situation, he was heartless.

"Its his first time dont be too hard on him, its his first time encountering sasaeng fans," Sungmin patted Donghae's back "Be careful next time Donghae, dont let this happen ever again," he told his dongsaeng.

"Lets go to bed! We have schedules tomorrow we should rest," Sungmin smiled to his members.

"But.." Ryeowook said but Yesung pushed him towards their room "My toothbrush is gone again," he pouted.

When everybody went to sleep, Donghae was crying on his bed.

He didnt do anything to help the members at all. He felt like he was a burden to everyone.

He felt like a rock, a rock that trips everyone who encounters him.

Eunhyuk was sleeping, but he woke up to Donghae's crying noises.

"What the hell?" Eunhyuk sat up on his bed "Stop that crying! We already went over the rules here!" Eunhyuk was annoyed.

Donghae stopped, but in silence he cried more.

How can Eunhyuk not understand what hes going through right now? Why cant he be a friend that time?

Then he remembered. Eunhyuk told him dont act like hes his friend.

"Im so sorry everyone," he said silently "I will work hard for all of us, Im so sorry for being a burden," he added then he closed his eyes.

Poor Donghae cried himself to sleep again.

With his heart filled with regrets, Donghae fell asleep with tears drying on his cheeks.

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