Chapter Fifteen: Umbrellas

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"Whats with him?" Donghae took a step back when he saw a half naked Eunhyuk running towards the bathroom.

"He did something amazingly crazy again," Kyuhyun crossed his arms and smiled to himself.

"He was soaked in rain because he gave out umbrellas to ELFs outside," Ryeowook informed the two as he was walking towards his room.

"He should wash up or else he'll catch cold," Donghae told Kyuhyun.

"If what i just saw was right," Kyuhyun leaned against the wall.

"Eunhyuk hyung did go inside the washroom considering the fact that the bathroom door is closed and hes no where to be found," Kyuhyun bullied Donghae.

"You!" Donghae laughed.

He was amazed on how fast Kyuhyun grabbed the chance to make fun of him.

"Well thank you," Kyuhyun bowed and entered his room.

The next morning, Eunhyuk felt better than he did last night.

He opened his eyes and he realized a cold damp towel was on his forehead.
He sat up and held the towel infront of him.

He looked at Donghae's bed but the man was nowhere to be found. Maybe he already left for his schedule today?

Eunhyuk stood up and stretched. He entered the shower and wash himself till he felt better.

Few minutes later, he was ready to leave the dorm. But he found something on the table, it was a tray of food with a note on it.

The members are nowhere to be found. Not a single life form was in the house besides Eunhyuk and Yesung's pet turtles that was stinky because Yesung forgot to clean their cages.

Eunhyuk picked up and note and read it.

To: Eunhyuk hyung

Take a day off, you should rest hyung. I fixed your schedule for today dont worry! Just rest and feel better quickly so we can practice together again!

From: Lee Donghae

Eunhyuk crushed the note with his hands and bit his lips because of anger.

Donghae had no right to meddle with him and the fact that Donghae already did, angered him.

Eunhyuk threw the tray of food to the trashcan including the crumpled note.

Then he stormed out of the dorm, on his way to the practice room in their office building.

"Oppa!!!" Fangirls screamed the moment Eunhyuk stepped out.

"Please im very tired let me go quickly please," Eunhyuk hopped on his motorbike and rode away.

Frowning faces of fans were seen when he left the area.

When he arrived at the main building, he went straight to the practice room.

"Oh? You okay now hyung?" Kyuhyun was surprised to see Eunhyuk.

"Hey you punk, go back to the dorm and rest," Leeteuk commanded him.

Eunhyuk ignored them and placed his bags aside and he started stretching infront of the mirror.

"Hey," Heechul called him "You feeling better?" He asked him.

Eunhyuk nodded.

"Eunhyuk hyung," a voice from the back called him. "Im glad you feel better now," Donghae told him with a smile.

"Next time, dont interfere with my business," Eunhyuk looked at Donghae straight to the eye, sending chills to Donghae's body.

Donghae saw a dark aura around Eunhyuk.

"Youre not my friend to meddle with my life," Eunhyuk told Donghae heartlessly. "I dont care about you so dont care for me," he added.

"Next time, dont butt in because you dont have the right to tell me what to do," he shoved those words to Donghae.

The smile vanished from Donghae's lips. The tension between the two grew hotter.

"Youre just a surfer who went on a ride with the waves we created," Eunhyuk finished off then he faced the front again.

"Hey everything okay there?" Sungmin checked on them.

"Yeah," Eunhyuk answered him then went om with his stretching.

Donghae was speechless. He knew Eunhyuk was right.

"Up up up! We'll finish the choreography today!" The choreographer signaled them to stand up.

Everyone stood up with eyes eager to learn the dance.

At the last chorus of the song, Eunhyuk was placed upfront with Donghae beside him.

"You two, make up a duo choregraphy for this part, go to that side and work on it," the instructor ordered them.

"B...bu--" Donghae was about to say.

Then he saw Eunhyuk, without a single word coming from his mouth, walking towards the side as if he was wiling to work with Donghae.

"Lets get this over quickly," Eunhyuk said coldy as he stood up infront of Donghae.

Eunhyuk started teaching Donghae the moves, but Donghae messed up too many times.

"Get it straight," Eunhyuk criticized him. "We're not going to show lousy moves on stage," he added then he crossed his arms.

"Get back here now!" The instructor calld them. "Show me," he added.

Eunhyuk and Donghae stood at their position and started dancing.

As they were dancing, Eunhyuk outshined Donghae because of his abilities.

When he danced beside Eunhyuk he became a mice beside an elephant.

He felt small.

"Fighting Donghae hyung," Ryewook cheered with a worried look.

"Stop," he stopped the music. "Donghae you look dead on stage," the instructor added.

"Start dancing, this isnt training son, this is legit," he added.

Eunhyuk smirked. He liked the fact that he outshined Donghae.

"Work harder next time Donghae," He whispered at him.

Donghae was breathing heavily, he gave his all but it wasnt enough.

"See me tonight we need to work on you, ALOT," the instructor ordered Donghae.

"But i have a schedu--"

"I dont care." He answered..

"I really dont like that," Siwon told Eunhyuk.

"Dont be too hard on him," he added.

"Who said i was going hard?" Eunhyuk answered. "I was going easy on dancing that duo part today, hes just not good enough push me to my hardest," he shot back then he caught up with the members.

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