Chapter Sixty Nine: Double Kill

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"Donghae, Im sorry this happened to you," Eunhyuk's eyes were watery in sight of the sobbing Donghae.

"I worked so hard," Donghae collapsed on the floor and cried.

"Im so sorry Im a worthless boyfriend, I cant do anything but give you strength," Eunhyuk kissed the man's temples.

"I cant imagine how im taking this all without you," Donghae hugged Eunhyuk.

"Ill always be here," Eunhyuk brushed his hair, "Ill always be right beside you," he added


"Wake up you idiots! Lets get practicing!" Leeteuk tapped his brother's butts to wake them up.

One by one the members woke up and they noticed Eunhyuk and Donghae are missing.

"Theyre still getting snacks?" Shindong asked them.

"Maybe? Dont worry theyll be back soon," Leeteuk answered.

"But hyung, the food is here though," Kyuhyun said after he opened his eyes and found a bag of chocolate cakes.

"Kids," Prince came inside the practice room, "Where's Donghae?" he asked them.

"He came down to get food with Eunhyuk," Kyuhyun answered.

"I have an announcement and Ill wait till he gets here okay?" Prince sat down beside Kyuhyun.

Few moments later, the two arrived.

"Hyung what happened?!" Siwon rushed to them after seeing Donghae's puffy eyes.

"Were you crying?" Leeteuk slowly approached them.

Heechul witnessed everything and guilt is starting to swallow him.

Donghae has been taking all the hits that he deserved to get.

"It looks like you already know," Prince placed a hand over Donghae's shoulder, "Everyone, sit down," Prince commanded them.

The members sat down and looked at their manager.

"Whats up Hyung?" Leeteuk began feeling nervous when he sensed the atmosphere of the room.

"Donghae here.." Prince gripped Donghae's shoulder, "Is leaving our group," he announced.

The members were silent.

They couldnt process what Prince had just told them.

"Hyung that is not possible.." Ryeowook said as he wiped a tear off his eye.

"Thats not a good joke," Kangin clenched his fist.

"Whether you like it or not, its happening," Prince sighed "We cant do anything, Its the board's decision," he looked at Donghae.

"Hae," Leeteuk stood up from his seat and walked towards Donghae. He hugged the man to comfort him.

Following Leeteuk, One by one the members also hugged Donghae.

"You may be leaving our group, but our friendship and bond will stay the same," Kyuhyun smiled at his hyung.

"Donghae-ah!" Kangin's voice cracked as he held Donghae, "Youre still my brother!" He added then tears ran down his cheeks.

Donghae couldnt help but cry because the love that he recieved from his members are abundant.


Later that night...

"Are you also leaving the dorm?" Leeteuk asked Donghae.

"I think so.." he answered.

"You dont have to though, you can stay with us if you want," Leeteuk smiled.

"But hyung the dorm is for the members onl-"

"Youre a member," He smiled.

"Thanks alot Hyung," Donghae smiled back with teary eyes.

The van arrived at the dorm and its the first time the fans saw him after the scandal.

"Oppa himnaeeee!"

"Oppa saranghaee!"

"Donghae fighting!"

Donghae smiled.

Atleast his fans were there for him after all the storm.

They entered the dorm and the members was feeling gloomy after the announcement of Donghae's departure.

"This is shit really," Kyuhyun sighed whenever the thinks about it.

"We cant do anything," Leeteuk sighed as well and walked to his room.

"Hey," Eunhyuk called Donghae after closing the door to their room, "You okay?" He asked him then he sat down beside the puffy eyed Donghae.

"Yeah," Donghae answered with a sigh.

"Dont leave the dorm," Eunhyuk said then he hugged Donghae, "I want to be with you everyday, atleast at night, sometimes in the morning when I dont have schedules," he smiled.

"Ill wait for you everyday," Donghae chuckled.

"Hyung! Eunhyuk hyung!" Someone knocked at the door and Eunhyuk quickly released his hold of Donghae.

Donghae just found himself laughing at that moment.

"What is it?" Eunhyuk opened the door.

"Jihyun noona is here," Kyuhyun told him with a smile.

Eunhyuk turned to Donghae and he found his partner smiling forcefully.

"Hyuk-ah!" She saw him and ran into his arms, "Ive been so worried of you," she cupped his face.


"I missed you!" She hugged him tight, "I bought snacks!" She added.

"Youre staying over the night noona?" Kyuhyun asked her.

"Mhm," she nodded then she released Eunhyuk from her hug, "I want to spend time with this guy," she smiled.

Eunhyuk looked at Donghae and the man covered himself with a blanket and pretended to sleep.

"Try not to be too loud, it seems like Donghae hyung is sleeping now," Kyuhyun smiled then he left.

"Ohh, youre room mates with Donghae now," Jihyun said when she entered the boys' room.

"Well.." He answered.

"Sit down, Ill give you a massage," she smiled then she crashed on Eunhyuk's bed.

"You don--"

"Hey, come over here mr. boyfriend!" She crossed her arms and pouted.

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