Chapter Fifty Six: In Denial? Part 3

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"Which movie are we watching?" Donghae asked Jessica.

They arrived at the movie house and are now choosing a movie to watch.

"Trust me," She smiled and went to the counters to buy tickets.

"Ah! Oppa," Jessica ran back and she handed her bag to Donghae, "Just incase someone checks you out, you know to keep them out," she said in a flash and ran away.

"Does she really like me or she just wants someone to hold her things?" Donghae sighed, "I dont know what to do to you, Jess," he added.

"Oh? Donghae?" someone behind him called him.

Donghae immidiately covered his whole face and walked away in a flash!

"Hey! Wait up!"

Donghae started running away.

"You idiot, stop running!"

A familliar voice yelled at him.

Donghae turned around and he was right.

It was Eunhyuk.

"Hyung?!" Donghae was surprised.

"You didnt have to run," Eunhyuk crossed his arms.

"Well, Instinct," Donghae scratched his head, "What brings you here?" he asked him after loosening the tension in his body.

"Gym closed, so I went to watch a movie," Eunhyuk answered him.

"Really? What movie are you planning to watch?" Donghae asked him.

"Oppa!" Jessica ran back to him, "Oh? Eunhyuk oppa? What are you doing here?" she asked Eunhyuk because she was surprised.

"Same reason why you came," he answered her.

"Ohhhhh, we'll get going then, our movie starts in 5 minutes!" she said with a smile and held Donghae's hand.

Eunhyuk witnessed it all. His eyes landed on the two's hands.

"Byeee!" she said then she dragged Donghae away.

Donghae was surprised by Jessica's sudden actions towards him so he didnt get the chance to say goodbye to Eunhyuk.

Out of the blue, Eunhyuk ran to the ticketing office and bought every movie ticket that will start in five minutes.

"Give me every movies that will start in 5 minutes, please," he panted.

"Here you go sir," the cashier handed him 3 different movie tickets!

"Here, keep the change!" then he ran to every theatre and scanned every seats before the lights went off.

He was on his last ticket and he saw Donghae and Jessica. Theyre watching a romantic movie.

Eunhyuk looked and he spotted an empty seat right behind the two.

Slowly, he went his way up the stairs and quietly sat down.

"Why are we watching this? this is trash I wanna watch 'The Boss'" Donghae nagged.

"Too bad you dont get to pick!" she teased him.

The movie started and made its way to the middle section of the film.

Eunhyuk couldnt focus on the movie because of the two infront of him.

"Donghae," she called him.

Donghae, who was eating his popcorn turned to Jessica.


She pressed her lips against Donghae's.

The man couldnt move as if hes under her spell.

The man couldnt move as if hes under her spell

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At that moment, Eunhyuk knew he had to leave.

"The fuck am i doing here anyways?" he stood up and walked away from the theatre.

"Tch, I shouldve watched 'The Boss'" he threw his ticket to the trash.

"What the hell am I doing here anyways?!" he added then he ruffled his hair.

He was annoyed, pissed, angry, name it he was feeling that way!

"The heck do they think a cinema is? a park bench that they can just kiss?! Tch," he said then he left the movie house.

"Lets just go back to the hotel, Eunhyuk," He told himself then he went to fetch his car.

He went to the underground parking lot and went searching for his car.

"Found you," he smiled then he opened the door and attempted to started the engine.

"Shit," Eunhyuk said when he realized the engine wasnt starting.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" he slapped the wheel.


"What was that for?" Donghae asked after she broke the kiss.

"I suddenly felt like..." she stuttered, "Im sorry...I-"

"Its okay, lets just focus on the movie, no kissing," Donghae told her uncomfortably.

Ever since he met Jessica, Donghae never felt uncomfortable around her.

But during that time, he felt uncomfortable.

"Look, Jess," Donghae turned to her, "Im sorry to say this, but...can I leave now?" he asked her.

"Oh...." she paused, "Im sorry," she apologized, "I shouldnt hav-"

"Its fine, I just need to leave thats all," Donghae smiled at her.

"Yeah.." she approved it and smiled back nervously.

"Ill catch up with you later," Donghae stood up and tapped her shoulders, "Be careful on your way back," he added then he left the auditorium.

Donghae went straight down and beeped his car open from his electronic keys.

Suddenly, he heard what sounded like a car having problems.

When Donghae was a kid, his father worked as a taxi driver in their small town. Aside from being a taxi driver, he was also a mechanic.

When Donghae was growing up, he slowly learned from his excellent father on how to fix cars.

So, he ran over to the noise with confidence of helping the car's owner.

"Eunhyuk hyung?" Donghae saw Eunhyuk leaning on the car's opened hood.

He walked closer and he was right, It was Eunhyuk.

"Need a hand?" he told him from behind.

Eunhyuk turned around and saw him.

EUNHAE Series: Fated To Love You (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now