Chapter Fifty Three: Free time

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"Eunhyukie," someone whispered on Eunhyuk's neck, "Wake up," a sexy voice kissed Eunhyuk's neck.

Eunhyuk turned around and he saw Donghae hugging him tightly.

He wasnt wearing any shirt so he saw Donghae's perfect upper body.

"Donghae?!" he was surprised!

His hair was messy and he thought it was sexy. His eyes are closed but he was smiling. And his morning voice? It was to die for!

When he turned around, Donghae buried himself into Eunhyuk's chest.

Donghae was holding his hand and he could feel Donghae's fingers caressing his hand.

"Shhh, youre too loud babe," Donghae silenced him by pressing his lips against his, "Good Morning babe," he smiled.


"SHIT!" Eunhyuk woke up!

It turns out it was just a dream.

"What was that Eunhyuk?! Seriously!?!" he pulpitated.

He placed his hands above his heart that was beating rapidly!

He was sweating so much that the bed was damp with his sweat.

He looked at the clock and it was 6am. It was too early in the day but it was just perfect for him because they have rehearsals at 10am for their 5pm concert.

Eunhyuk got up from his bed and opened his windows.

He took off his shirt leaving only his boxers on.

He went to the washroom to wash up.

While in the showers, he was thinking about his dream that morning.

Why did he dream about Donghae?

"I must be crazy, I must be losing it!" Eunhyuk told himself in the showers.

After few minutes, Eunhyuk was ready to go to the venue.

"Hyuk?" Prince opened his door.

"Oh hyung, Im just about done, are we leaving now?" Eunhyuk asked as he wore his socks.

"Concert is cancelled," Prince informed Eunhyuk.

"What?!" Eunhyuk couldnt believe what he said, "Cancelled?! How the fuc--"

"The fans waiting outside went crazy, they rampaged through the merchendise stands," Prince crossed his arms, "All of our staff was severely injured, the fans just looted the items," he added.

"Shoot, does the members know any of this?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Thats why Jaewon called the concert off, we cant risk your safety and yes the members are informed" Prince told him, "Please understand, I know theyre your fans but, If we cant handle a simple line, how can we handle a full concert?" he said.

"What happened? Why did they take over the stands?"

"The fans thought theres not enough for everyone so-"

"I see, I understand," Eunhyuk sighed, "I worked hard on the prep for this concert though," he sighed again.

"I know," Prince tapped his shoulders and left the room.


"What a bummer," Heechul sighed while eating breakfast.

The members gathered at the hotel dining areas for breakfast. They have a return flight to Korea in 2 days time.

"Ive never been so disappointed in a long time," Siwon said then he ate a spoonful of soup.

EUNHAE Series: Fated To Love You (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now