Chapter Sixteen: Confrontation

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After the intense dance practice, Super Junior members came home with sore feet and aching backs.

Kangin sprained his ankle,

Heechul accidently hit his head against the airconditioner,

All the members complained, including Eunhyuk who was nagging about his back.

"Yah! Dont you know i practiced so hard just to get caught up with you guys that i hurt my back?!" Eunhyuk nagged.

"We know, we know!" Heechul playfully slammed his hand on the back of Eunhyuk's head.

"Ouch hyung," Eunhyuk soothed the back of his head.

Eunhyuk stood up and headed inside their room. In there, he found Donghae.

He was laying on his bed as if he was a dead body. He looked lifeless.

Eunhyuk gave him a cold stare then he headed inside the closet to change his clothes.

Right after that, Donghae moved. He tossed his body and sat on his bed.

He leaned towards the closet, with hopes of getting a glimpse of Eunhyuk.

Hes not a pervert or anything, he was just making sure the coast is clear.

He couldnt look at Eunhyuk in the eye because he was sorry. He couldnt face him either.

At that moment, Eunhyuk exited from the closet and lay down on his bed.

His eyes followed Eunhyuk, he wanted to say sorry.

"Sorry, for this morning," Donghae looked at him.

"If sorry could fix everything, why do you think the police exists?" Eunhyuk questioned him.

"I was just saying sorry why are you being so rude?" Donghae stood up.

"Because i can," Eunhyuk lifted his book against his face and started reading it.

Donghae clenched his fist, he wanted to punch that rude bastard.

Donghae then realized he could never get along with someone like Eunhyuk.

"Look, i get what you said about the waves this morning," Donghae said.

"Really? Then leave," Eunhyuk told him without even looking at him.

"Leave?" Donghae asked him, he gritted his teeth.

"Are you deaf? Yeah, leave. You dont belong here rookie" Eunhyuk said.

"Look, everyone here treated me right, everyone was nice to me. Youre the only one who does this to me, so why should i quit when theres more people who appreciates me?" Donghae shot back.

Eunhyuk placed his book down and stood up face to face with Donghae.

"You dare talk bac--"

"Yes! Because i can and i will! You wont stop me just because of your rude and disgusting attitude, HYUNG," Donghae finished him off and walked outside.

Eunhyuk was left speechless, he felt angry.

"Oh its on you bastard," Eunhyuk clenched his fists "Ill make you quit," he added.

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